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Ch. 7: Nate

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The masquerade ball had left me emotionally and mentally drained, and I longed for a moment of rest from the thoughts swirling in my mind. I was still sweating from my encounter with Lucius.

My chest was burning, and hot to the touch, but it wasn't a bad feeling. The heat sent delightful shivers throughout my body, images of our almost kiss flashing through my mind. I shook my head from the thoughts, reminding myself I hated Lucius, he was my rival.

The neon open sign flashed above the entrance to Selina's Bar. The lights were still on inside despite it being one o'clock in the morning. Which didn't at all surprise me.

Selina, a lone wolf like me, had a motivation to open past her liquor license, and always attracted the most unusual of patrons.

Selina's was neutral ground for the werewolves regardless of their background, and she took the neutrality of her bar very seriously. Politics between packs was never discussed and fights were not permitted.

Selina's was a place to drown yourself in your sorrows and have fun, and the occasional hook up. And I'd had many memorable hook ups.

Upon entering the bar, I was greeted by a lively spirit which was too much for this time of night.

"Hi Nate!" she beamed in her British accent. "How was the Elders' Ball?"

She happily smiled, her long wine red hair bounced around her golden freckled face, as she wiped down the bar.

I didn't answer as I gazed around the bar, the last of the customers were either passed out on the tables or sprawled across the floor hugging their half-empty glasses and some couples were still slowly dancing in the corner to a soft melody. As usual Selina had held quite the party.

"You missed it!"

I always seemed to miss the best nights at Selina's.

"The place was heaving." Her eyes sparkled with mischief as she launched into one of her bizarre stories about the night's events at the bar.

I tried to feign interest, but the encounter with Lucius had left my thoughts preoccupied, making it difficult to focus on anything else but him.

"Selina, I'd love to hear more about your story, but I'm really tired," I interrupted her gently, "It's been a strange and long night and I want to sleep."

"Okay." she smiled gently, recognizing the exhaustion in my eyes. "But don't think I won't pester you for details about the Elders' Ball tomorrow."

I managed a half-hearted smile before I trudged up the creaky staircase that led to the small apartment I shared with her above the bar. Stepping into the apartment, I leaned back against the door, the weight of the night's events pressed down upon me.

Almost dying at my brother's hands, Lucius coming to save me. The mated bond with Lucius, the realization of being fated mates with my pack's rival—it was all too much to process.

Walking further into the dimly lit apartment, I let out a sigh of relief. This place, above Selina's Bar, had become my sanctuary after my banishment.

Selina, originally from London who had moved to Seattle and then wound up in Heavenwood not too far from the city, had offered me both a job at the bar and a place to stay when I was at my lowest.

She had been a true friend when I needed one the most.

I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts of the night. I could deal with the Lucius situation tomorrow.

Tonight, I just wanted to find some semblance of peace.

However, that tranquility was short-lived. As I entered my bedroom, I found my cousin making out with some random girl on my bed. Both of them still wearing their formal outfits from the ball.

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