chapter six

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December 1991

The next two months passed in a blur once again, having been overshadowed by work, assignments, classes, and studies, at least for Callie. She was the only student in the whole castle to put that much work on herself, but it didn't matter. She liked it, it was distracting.

She had never seen the black dog again and therefore assumed it did find its way to Hogsmeade or at least somewhere out the castle. The students had returned to their own common rooms they day after the Black incident, and everything went back to normal school days. The most surprising news this far concerned Snape, who started to fill in for Lupin's classes a lot, since the teacher had begun falling into sickness more frequently than in October already. It was a win for the Slytherins and a loss for the Gryffindors, though Callie didn't dislike Lupin's classes. She had missed the first few, because his classes overlapped with her tours through the castle, but the Gryffindors seemed to be very fond of him, at last. She had no idea what sickness could cause a grown man to fall that ill, but she didn't follow her curiosity. Snape was still a good replacement.

Soon, or at least when December came to an end, it was time to go home for Christmas holidays, for Callie as well as most of Hogwarts itself. Her parents awaited her arrival with impatience, probably also due to Black's attack, yet she first had to pack her things.

After putting on her gloves and having been interrupted by Parkinson, who had been too late to assemble her things herself, she walked into the common room, expecting to find most at breakfast or on their way to the train. Yet, she turned confused as to why Zabini, Pucey and Malfoy were standing in front of her like dolls out of marble.

'What are you doing here?', Callie asked, looking at them one by one.

Zabini gave her a smile, Pucey a wave, and Malfoy nothing except for crossed arms. He once again looked as if having smelled something rather bad.

'Saying goodbye.', Zabini answered with content, looking as if he was about to indulge Callie in a hug.

'Why?', she asked bluntly.

The grip around her luggage tightened as she eyed the clock on the wall suspiciously. She heard a quiet snort next to Zabini.

'It was not my suggestion.', another voice said.

'Thanks, Malfoy, I figured that out.', she replied without looking away from the wall.

Then, when Callie figured she had enough time to catch the train, she allowed Zabini to explain himself. Pucey had remained quiet so far.

'Well, you are leaving for a week.', he started, scratching his neck as if rethinking his choices, 'It felt proper not no let you go without a goodbye.'

Callie sighed at his words.

'Fine. Goodybe? Merry Christmas?'

She raised her hand annoyed, about to just walk away. Zabini gave her a pleading look.

'Come on, we missed breakfast for you.'

'You did, Zabini, I did not.', Malfoy grumbled, again being ignored by Callie who sighed once more, turning more irritated when her mark started to slightly itch.

'Alright then. Thank you all for waiting, but please go eat now.'

Zabini's eyes lightened up a bit, so did Pucey's.

'We'll guide you to the train.'

'You will do no such thing.', she protested and slapped his hand away that he had sent forward to grab her suitcase.

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