chapter eight

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January 1991

The rest of her stay at the Michon manor had included afternoons walks in the winter garden, ice skating over the frozen lake, Magda's cooking heaven on plates and long evenings in the library. She had felt as ease again, also because her parents still worked full-time and were occupied more than normally, so Callie had time alone to find peace before her return to Hogwarts. And as she was back in the castle, she felt extraordinarily motivated to keep her promise to her parents. It was a new challenge next to her racks of homework, and she knew of her parents' pride shall she succeed; a reward for her efforts. Hence, Callie refrained from threatening Malfoy whenever he mocked her, which in result only made him more eager to make her go mad; she couldn't know of that spiral, of course. 

January was hard; Callie stayed inside the castle at all times, due to the even colder weather here – which she wasn't fond of – and continued her studies like before; another opportunity to spend the least time with other students. At some point, however, she even got bored with that and found herself on random walks and exploring through the castle. She had a few uncomfortable meetings with teachers, who only looked at her blankly when she entered their classrooms and left again a second later. Hogwarts was much more secretive than she had thought, hidden passageways that she discovered by accident were the smallest surprises she had had.

The next month was, as expected, similar, yet her promise to her parents led Callie to things she never imagined to do. She'd answer Zabini's questions more frequently and began to listen to Malfoy's rambles about the 'bloody teachers' or that 'wimp of a Potter'. She had known about their rivalry before, yet never tried to get to the roots of it, because she simply didn't care enough.

'Malfoy, opposite to your hatred, it seems as if you are quite obsessed with Potter.', she once had said, and from that, they went back to zero and Callie herself went back to her studies.

She had really tried to keep her promise, she truly did, but her parents had forgotten one thing. Callie could write poetry about her disdain for Draco Malfoy.

Then, that month passed as well.

The students were on their way down to Hagrid's hut for Care of Magical Creatures, their first class on that dull March day. Out of boredom, Draco had made it his goal to treat Potter with as much derision as possible since he'd had had quite the amusing start in the school year already. Potter's fear of Dementors came quite favourable to him, he was sure to not forget about that.

Draco was chatting with Zabini; Crabbe and Goyle strolling behind the two. His eyes, however, were fixed on Michon's hair while talking, watching as it flopped from side to side as she walked, the hints of lighter brown catching his eyes with every step she took.

'What now?', Draco asked without switching his gaze to his mate.

'I can't figure Callie out, I have never been able to. She still hardly tells anything about herself. I only heard little Weasley telling his mates that his father knows hers, but that's it. 'Believe it's a flunk anyway, he's probably only trying to gain her attention. And the year is almost over! 'Don't even know her birthday or such...' – Zabini let out a heavy sigh, sounding frustrated – 'She had told me once years ago, but I forgot. Even as a kid, she was like that. Sometime during winter, I think.'

The students arrived at Hagrid's hut and Draco had to lower his voice to remain unheard, especially if it was Michon herself who stood not too far away from all four of them.

'Why are you wracking your brain over her?', he quietly spat out, furrowing his eyebrows.

When he finally looked over at Zabini, whose gaze had turned softer, Draco leaned back a bit, worried about that loving expression.

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