chapter twelve

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May 1991

The two Slytherins never mentioned the incident again, yet Callie didn't fail to notice the boys' sudden change in behaviour. Zabini had always been welcoming to her, but now, he did all to please her. He would ask to carry her bag whenever she looked as if needing help, and even though Callie slapped away his hand every time, he didn't stop. Callie hoped for Malfoy's own good that he hadn't spilled some gossip around his mates, but almost expected to. 

It was more surprising to see him, however, holding back his grudge whenever she did something that he didn't like. She first believed it to be out of pity, but it first of all hurt her pride far too much to believe and secondly, Malfoy wouldn't pity anyone.

Over Easter break, he had attended the gala Mrs. Malfoy had planned for a while, and had come back even less enthusiastic about it than he had been in the first place.

'It was boring, as I had predicted.', Malfoy had told Zabini and Callie, who had studied in the library until he had found them again, 'Fine gowns, little alcohol for the adults, none for oneself, polite chatter, all the same. And no one my age there.'

'Well,' Callie had said after looking up from her book, 'now that my parents believe me to be suitable again to join them at events, I believe to see you at one or the other.'

For the next month, Malfoy would talk to Callie more often and they even did one of Snape's essay together. He had done the potion once before secretly in his father's office and Callie was better at the wording, so they found reason to team up. Malfoy even told her the story how he had sneaked into the kitchen of the Malfoy Manor to get all the ingredients and was only not caught by hiding behind a book shelf full of spider webs and dust.

'I could barely hold my sneezes in, but thinking about the consequences, I managed to remain hidden.', he finished, making Callie nod understandingly.

'I once borrowed my mother's earrings – for no reason at all, I just wanted to feel fancy, - and it was only due to my elf Crobbey that I managed to put them back in time.'

'Crobbey? Your house elf?', Malfoy asked while crossing out ingredients on the list and finding the rest in the Potions book.

'He is my servant.', Callie explained quite proudly, 'We have a few more, yet he is mine. Very diligent and rather lovely.'

'Lovely?', Malfoy repeated a bit astonished, 'I have never heard anyone call an elf lovely.'

'Well, he did earn it.' – Callie shrugged her shoulders while writing – 'Always staying loyal, taking the blame when I don't feel like it.'

She noticed Malfoy scrunching up his nose.

'That is what a house elf is supposed to do.', he loudly protested with a sudden scowl, 'And trust me, these creatures don't always stay loyal.'

Callie had heard rumors about the Malfoy's old house elf, who apparently had been freed by none other than Potter, but she spoke nothing about it. There was hardly a moment the two of them bared each other.

'Elves have always been treated like the servants they are. I just believe that they work more willingly and indirectly harder, if they get a bit of appreciation here and then.', she said.

'Elves don't deserve appreciation. They are just servants.', Malfoy said, and even though it slightly frustrated Callie, she just shrugged her shoulders.

'Fine,' she said, 'now, do we cut or shred the Arnica?'

Malfoy's lips curled into a smile as he turned a page.

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