chapter thirteen

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May 1991

But he just couldn't find her.

He did give up his search after not finding her in the area and went back to the Slytherin common room to meet up with Zabini, for he couldn't be bothered for more than a minute, but still, he was in particular distress when arriving there.

'Where were you, mate?', Zabini asked as soon as he stepped into the room.

'Library.', Draco cut short, flicking his wand to have a cold soda land in his hands. He took a big gulp of it before plumping himself on the couch.

'You were in the library?', Zabini repeated a bit amazed, 'For what reason?'

'To bloody study, what other reason could there be?'

'Mate, you never study voluntarily without me or Callie. Yet alone in the library.', Zabini laughed, making Draco want to pour his soda over his face, 'Where is Callie anyway?'

Zabini looked around the common room as if she could possibly be there before looking at Draco questioningly. He just shrugged his shoulders,

'How would I know?'

Now Zabini shrugged his shoulders.

'Dunno'', he said, 'You two just seemed to be on better terms lately.'

'Barely. She's still a bloody brat.', Draco grumbled, eyeing the carpet on the floor with too much caution for Zabini not to notice that there was something going on with his mate.

'Now, what is it with – Oi', Michon!', he said, then suddenly exclaimed, raising his hand.

Draco didn't turn around, but instead watched the carpet with even more care. Telling by Zabini's sudden facial expression change though, and his hand slowly lowering, Michon had gone straight past them.

'What is up with Callie?', he then quietly asked Draco.

'I don't know, ask her.', Draco scoffed, finishing his soda.

'Nah, I'm too scared.', Zabini sighed, sitting down next to Draco, 'Don't wanna risk anything.'

'Zabini, do me favour and shut up.' – Draco ran his hand through his hair, 'Get Crabbe and Goyle.'

'Why?', Zabini asked dumbfounded.

'Just do it, mate.'

Zabini sighed, but got up. As soon as Draco heard the door close, he took out his wand and scribbled something on a small piece of paper. Then, he let it burn out in flames and waited.

It took Michon five minutes to come out, but since Draco expected her to not show up at all, he felt less impatient.

'Why the fire message?', she asked a bit angrily, and her anger surprised Draco for he thought that a message would infuriate her less than if he had come to her himself.

'I don't know what the girl's dormitory hall would do to me if I tried to enter.', Draco said, putting his hands together while placing his elbows on his knees. He faced the fire in front of him.

'Could you sit down at least?', he mumbled, 'I'd like to see you while talking, Michon.'

Hesitantly, she sat down.

When Draco looked at her from the side, she stubbornly looked into the fire with her hands in her lap, playing with the glove. After a bit of silence, she spoke first,

'Now, you are only dropping my mood even more by staying silent.', she whispered, sounding awfully monotonous. It reminded him of when he had found her in front of the fire as well, however, a while ago and after the boggart incident.

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