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There was this big gig happening in just a few hours and I wasn't even ready for it. They said, so many people will come to this small event, they wouldn't even fit into the small hall we had reserved for this evening. Not that this was a problem though, but I could already hear the manager screaming at me, asking why are there so many people.

"You know this is going to be a sick evening for us!" My best friend Louis said, bumping his fist against my shoulder as he walked by.

"For sure it is." I said, but I had something else on my mind and couldn't really prepare myself for the evening. The thing was, although I'm a dutch rapper and gained a few followers on social media and YouTube, by posting my videos and songs there, I still felt lonely.

"She's gonna be out there, somewhere bro." Louis said as he noticed my look on my face. Louis was living on the bright side of life, something I never really understood how he managed that every single day.

"She might even be in the crowd today." He tried to cheer me up by saying all of this, and he might be right about that, but I doubt it in the moment.

"It's been years since I broke up with my old girlfriend, Louis. Since then, nothing happened again." I wasn't even lying at this point, it was the pure truth, delivered straight.

"Don't say that. You know, if you searching for it, you will probably never find it, so that's why you need to be open for things that happen around you. The small little details you might have missed before." Louis sat down next to me on the couch. I had a songbook in my hand, skipping through old songs of mine that I was playing tonight.

"Yeah, it's what you say." I said, not really knowing how to answer him here at this moment. He might be right, and the girl of my dreams would be somewhere in the crowd, but how am I suppose to find her there?

"How am I suppose to notice her if she's in the crowd, Louis?" I turned and faced him, because now that he said this to me, he had to have an answer for this question of mine.

"Well." Louis wanted to say something, I could see it in his face but he stopped and needed to think first before he then tried it again.

"What about if you do a meet and greet with a small selection of fans. You know, the ones who have the tickets in the right color." I nodded and remembered that when we sold the tickets, we had about 20 red tickets, randomly sold to people. When we sold them, there wasn't an idea behind it, we just thought that it would look a little bit different from plain black and white tickets.

"That's sounds like an idea." I said and jumped up to my feet.

"I'm gonna give a small speech at the start of the concert, telling them what it means if you have a red ticket and then we will see."

It really sounded like a good idea and somehow all the worries I had before vanished. I could finally rest for a little and then concentrate on the songs that I wanted to play at this concert.

Hey there Joost fans!

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Hey there Joost fans!

This was a short chapter, I know, but it's just the beginning of this story which is going to have big chapters and many of them. I finally have an idea what to write and hope that you will like it. Leave a vote and say "Hi" in the comments if you want this story to continue soon:D

PS: What's your favorite Joost song? Mine is "Ome Robert" as you can probably tell by now haha


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