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Louis and Steven had called the police and within under 10 minutes, the police showed up in the hotel.

"Alright, let's start with the investigation. I need to hear as many information as you both can give me, okay?" Officer Reynolds, the lead detective for this investigation, had pulled them both out of the room into the hallway, so that they can talk under six eyes.

Louis didn't know exactly what to tell him, since Joost had been acting pretty weird, not talking much about what was going on. Louis also hardly believed that something had happened to Joost by accident, he believed that this whole thing was planned by a strange fan. So that's what he told Detective Reynolds.

Detective Reynolds listened intently, jotting down notes. "A strange fan, you say? Has Joost mentioned anyone specific or received any unusual messages recently?" he asked, his brow furrowed in concentration.

Louis shook his head. "No, he hasn't mentioned anything specific, but he's been really on edge lately. Something's been bothering him, but he wouldn't tell me what."

Steven chimed in, "We need to find him quickly. Whatever's going on, Joost is in serious danger."

"I personally believe that this has something to do with the concert he recently gave here in town." Louis then said and Reynolds blinked at him, like he didn't knew who Joost really was.

"A concert?" Reynolds then asked and Louis nodded.

"Joost is a rapper and he recently gained a lot more fans than he usually would, so we came to this town for a bigger concert." Louis explained why they were here in the first place, hoping Reynolds would understand how serious this was for him.

Reynolds nodded slowly, processing the information.

"Alright, we'll need to look into any potential threats or suspicious individuals who might have attended that concert. Do you have a list of people who were there or any footage from the event?"

Louis shook his head.

"No, but the venue might. They usually have security cameras."

"Good. We'll start there," Reynolds said, signaling to his team.

"Is there anything you want to add to your statement?" Reynolds then proceeded, looking at Louis, then at Steven. Steven put his arms in the air.

"I don't really know him at all, you have to ask Louis that question. He's his partner in crime." Louis gave Steven a little shove against his shoulder.

Louis took a deep breath, trying to gather his thoughts.

"He wasn't really stable recently, but there weren't any real threats as far as I know, except that he wasn't sleeping good and had a few strange wounds on his body and couldn't explain where he had gotten them." Louis finally told Reynolds what he had been witnessing in the last few days since they were here in this hotel.

"Strange wounds on his body?" Reynolds blinked at Louis, wanting to know more about it. Louis shrugged, not really knowing what he should explain here, since he didn't knew a thing about how Joost had gotten those wounds in the first place.

""Yeah, they looked like scratches or maybe cuts, but Joost wouldn't talk about them," Louis said, frustration evident in his voice.

POV Joost

My head was pounding pretty hard and somehow I couldn't really open my eyes and was having trouble with it.

"What the hell?" I tried to move but there was no way I would be free. Darkness surrounded me once I had my eyes open. I couldn't tell if I had them open or closed, it was dark anyway.

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