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POV Joost

Once it was slowly getting lighter outside and the first light of sunlight started shining through the windows of the cabin, I was feeling a lot better since this meant that nothing evil would chase us for as long as the sun is up. Over the course of the last few weeks I only was attacked at night or when I was sleeping but for as long as the sun is up and I don't fall asleep there is no chance for being attacked here.

I let out a huge sigh. The only thing I wanted was that everything was going back to normal and that no one had to suffer. All I wanted was to play these few concerts and then go back to my flat in Amsterdam and just focus on something else, instead I'm trapped in my own nightmare and there is no way to win this fight this time.

The rest of the night I had spent some time in the bedroom alone while Louis was still in the kitchen on his laptop, trying to find something or I don't know what exactly he was doing.

I was on my phone, texting Kenzie since she was asking where I was and why I had left the town so fast, but I couldn't really tell her the whole truth here. I just told her that plans had changed and that I had to leave because of the management but would be back soon so we could go on another date. She was fine with that.

Once I noticed that the sky was brighter and daylight came through the window, I slowly got up and walked back to the kitchen, only to find Louis asleep on the kitchen table, mouth open, snoring.

I let out a laugh before turning around and walking over to the living room where Tice was still laying on the couch but he was awake. Louis was probably pretty tired and needed sleep right now so I would leave him that way for a few more hours so that he would feel better too. I was too afraid to fall asleep and had forced myself to stay awake the whole night and now the whole day was waiting for me.

"How are you feeling?" I asked Tice and he slowly tried to sit up under a lot of pain. He made a grimace.

"I guess it's fine," Tice said, still making a grimace in pain until he sat straight and looked at me.

"Is that the thing you told me about. The one showing up in your nightmares?" He then asked and I slowly nodded.

"Yeah that's the one, the thing is, it's not in my nightmares, it was attacking me in real life all the time but I thought I was sleeping." I explain and Tice wiped away the sweat from his forehead.

"God, that shit hurts like hell," He winced at the wounds on his neck and chest.

"Here, let me see." I said and pulled up his shirt to see how the wounds were doing. Some of them had started to bleed through the band aid.

"I need to change them, wait here." I said and got up to walk over to the bathroom and get new band aids for Tice. Once I found them, I turned around and wanted to leave, that's when the light in the bathroom suddenly flashed and turned off. I was standing in the middle of the room, my heartrate picking up in speed, because I felt like I wasn't alone in here. My mind raced and for a second I had felt so safe here, not thinking about anything like this could happen since it was light outside, but then I remembered. Louis had fallen asleep, which was probably the reason why they had found us again. I was holding the band aid kit in my left hand since my right one was hurting pretty bad and was useless right now because of the tied wound I had there. I wanted to speak, I wanted to scream for the other two, but something inside me told me not to. This would only make it worse than it already was.

My eyes darted around the room, trying to find the source of the uneasy feeling I had of being watched.

"Don't move or they'll see you," Was all I had in my mind right now and I tried my best. I was holding my breath the whole time and the air was getting thinner. I took a deep breath and something immediately poked me in the chest with such a force that I was pushed backwards until I slammed into a wall with my back and was pushed against the wall.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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