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POV Joost

It was in the middle of the night when I slowly woke up and had a big headache. I couldn't really open my eyes at first, because I was feeling dizzy and the headache was to heavy.

As I forced my eyes open, the room spun around me, making it even harder to focus. I reached out for the glass of water I always kept by my bed, but my hand clumsily knocked it over. The sound of shattering glass echoed in my throbbing head. Groaning, I pushed myself up into a sitting position and paused, waiting for the dizziness to subside. Once it did, I carefully stepped out of bed, feeling the cold floor beneath my feet.

That's when I noticed that the room was very cold, colder than it used to be when I went to sleep. And then there was this sound, this creeping sound of something creepy hiding in the dark spots in this room.

"Not again..." My voice came out more like a whisper and I tried not to move at all, because I knew it could hear me here.

Every night it was the same.

Every night, the same unnerving presence seemed to linger in the shadows, waiting for the slightest sound to stir. I held my breath, trying to make myself as silent as possible. The chilling sensation of being watched crawled up my spine. Slowly, I edged toward the light switch, my heart pounding in my ears. With a trembling hand, I flipped it on, and nothing happened. No light, only the same darkness lingering over me.

That's when I heard it again. That creepy sound, it sounded like long nails scratching along the floorboards, coming closer and closer.

I slowly walked backwards, trying to scan every little area in the room with my eyes to make out from where this sound was coming from but I couldn't see a thing. Also, the dizziness was back and I could feel myself slowly loosing control over my body.

It would be here any minute now, grabbing me, reaching for my flesh, trying to eat me up. It was the same every night and I knew what was about to happen to me.

I felt the wall behind my back, there was no way for me to get away now. I couldn't get away, I never would be able to get away from it, since it showed up one night and had since then chased me every single night.

I needed a good sleep, only one night in which I wouldn't wake up and be chased by a dark figure, which only ends in pain, covered in scratches and nearly loosing my mind of course, but I don't know what to do about this strange figure chasing me all night long.

I was standing there with my back against the wall, not able to move or get away. I simply just stood there in the silence, hearing the scary sounds coming towards me. And that's when it happened once again. Suddenly, the room felt even colder, and the scratching sounds grew louder. I could almost sense its breath, a foul, damp wind brushing against my face. Paralyzed with fear, I closed my eyes, hoping it would vanish. But then, a cold hand gripped my shoulder, its touch icy and firm. I screamed, my voice echoing through the empty room, but no help came. The creature whispered in a hoarse, chilling voice, "You cannot escape." The terror was overwhelming.

Something grabbed me on my feet and I fell to the floor, face first, landing hard and every bone started hurting all at once.

Gasping for air, I struggled to push myself up but the creature was relentless. It dragged me across the floor, my fingers clawing at the wood, trying desperately to find something to hold onto. The darkness seemed to swallow every cry for help, leaving me in a silent terror. I tried to get it off me but I wasn't strong enough and it only made things worse than they already were.

As the creature pulled me further into the darkness, my mind raced for any possible escape. I felt a sharp object under my hand and grabbed it, swinging wildly. The creature recoiled with a hiss, momentarily loosened its grip. Seizing the chance, I scrambled to my feet, heart pounding, and dashed towards the door. I threw it open and burst into the hallway, not daring to look back, driven by the sheer instinct to survive the night.

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