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Note: I'm not sure if it's needed, but some very vivid imagery. Feel free to skip it. It's just for the scene.

In a barren land, pillars of ice and earth scrape the sky, ashes of a forest blow through the wind, and lakes and rivers evaporate. In the center of it all stood a figure made of fire and brimstone dragging a winged serpent easily three times his height as four figures lay around him: a harpy warrior with her winds torn off burnt to a crisp, an older man with his head crushed his body being held up by his most famous staff, a being of stone whose body now flows like the ravine that is his resting place, dark silver-clad knight forever mounted to his headless six-legged steed with the weapons he boasted about.

In front of the figure, a bird engulfed in flames, and a woman in a crystalline white dress leaving a trail of ice where she steps.

Woman in White: IFRIT!

Flaming bird: BROTHER!

Looking upon the scene, the two are horrified by the image around them. An aura of darkness leaves the area as Ifrit falls to his knees, and an invisible haze leaves his eyes.

Woman in white: Why!? They were our allies!? O-our friends!?

Flaming bird: Explain yourself, brother!

Ifrit, The flames of destruction, stood amidst the aftermath of his battle. The barren wastes a testament to a foe yet revealed, his fallen allies folly to a mind trick.


Facing Ifrit were Phoenix, The Flames of Eternal Renewal, and Shiva, Mistress Dancer of Ice.

Looking up at his brother and his better half, a white whisp catches the corner of his eye. Swirling around Shiva and Phoenix, it stops in front of Ifrit as if he is the only one who can see it.

Whisp: They're planning on betraying you, to make you suffer, kill them, save yourself.

Ifrit: No, they are my family.

Whisp: Fine, then I'll do it myself.

Entering through his head, Ifrit writhed in pain as the whisp began to fight him for control over his body. Ifrit grabbed his head, startling Phoenix and Shiva.


Whisp: No, possible, seeing as this was my body.

His skin shifts between shades as his flames increase and decrease in intensity. Stopping, Ifits body sticks to the darker shade as he rises to a kneeling position. Holding his arms out, he keeps his head down.

Ifrit?: Come here, my love.

Hearing the change in his voice, Phoenix positions one of his wings in front of Shiva.

Phoenix: Shiva, don't. He's dangerous.

Shiva: If he wanted to hurt me with his flames, he would've done so eons ago.

Dicking under Phoenix's wing, Shiva accepts the embrace from her lover as Ifrit places a hand on the back of her head and another on her shoulder as he effortlessly snaps her neck.

Phoenix: NO!

Ifrit: And then there were 2.

Taking to the skies, Phonix tries to escape from Ifrit, but he is grabbed by his tail feathers.

Ifrit?: What's wrong, brother afraid to join your friends? I thought the immortal Phoenix wasn't afraid to die unless you've already been reborn.

Hearing the cadence in his voice, Phoenix recognizes where he heard it before.

Phoenix: You! The Akashic Midgaurdsomnr! How!?

Ifrit?: Let's just say I come in many forms.

Feeling himself strain to escape from Ifrit's grip, Phoenix feels himself fly back as his back makes contact with the ground.

Phoenix: (straining) Why?

Ifrit?: Simple: I have an ax to grind with you, and you're kind. Veritable gods who squander their gift to help those... what were they? Ah, yes, humans.

With minimal effort, Ifrit begins to slam Phoenix all across the ground.

Ifrit?: All that help you give them and where... are... they. Where are the humans you've bound yourselves to help? Nowhere because they are nothing more than parasites leeching off the powers of others. However, asking for your opinion on the matter would be useless.

Dropping Phoenix's lifeless body, Ifrit begins to leave as a torrent of light blasts him away. Noticing a dragon above him, Ifrit realizes he can make this almost as easy as Shiva.

Ifrit?: that makes my job easier. BAHAMUT PLEASE HELP ME! I can't control-

Being blasted by another torrent of light, Ifrit is sent flying toward a mountainside.

Bahamut: You can drop the act. I know what you are. What I don't understand is who.

Freeing himself from the crater, Ifrit dusts himself off as Bahamut stays in the skies out of range of his attacks.

Ifrit?: I went by many names, such as Yahweh, Ymir, and Chaos. All of which fall under—

Bahamut: A creator.

Ifrit?: Correct. Though I lost my proper form, I have witnessed the world destroyed and recreated countless times. Some due to my hand, others nature's response. After all that time, I learned: What's the point? Life has no meaning. Existence is pointless, but paired with destruction, death, and hopelessness, then the true meaning, the final meaning of life, can show itself to us!

Bahamut: You're deranged!

Ifrit?: True, one can't talk about destroying everything without a slight mental instability. Now, why don't you be a good lizard and stay here to mourn your friends while I destroy everything you hold dear?

Positioning his hand over his head, Ifrit releases a white wave of energy that causes different colored orbs to rise from the bodies of the fallen around them.

Bahamut: I'm not going to let you perverse their power!

Ifrit?: How do you intend to stop me? Your arisen form doesn't have the raw power to defeat me.

Bahamut: he's right in terms of raw power. He has me beaten in all areas, but that doesn't mean I'm out of options.

Six orbs of light fly out of the clouds, causing Ifrit to dodge them without much trouble while focusing on his ritual.

Ifrit?: I already told you you can't beat me. Not without a miracle, that is, sadly, though I'm not taking requests.

As all seven orbs of energy begin to converge, a sword is launched at Ifrit, knocking the energies loose and scattering them across the planet.

Ifrit?: He wouldn't!

Three more swords begin to fly toward Ifrit, causing him to pick up the one from earlier and use it to redirect them and stop a fourth, shattering both.

Ifrit?: I must commemorate you, Bahamut! For being the weakest, you surely know how to make one enjoy a battle.

Parting the clouds, a titan clad in purple and gold armor with wings made out of thousands of swords and blades equal to that of a leviathan in length towers over Ifrit.

Seeing this display of power, Ifrit follows suit, increasing his flames a thousandfold, causing the ground to crack underneath the pressure. Magma and molten rock begin to seep into Ifrit, increasing his size. The begins to die down as Ifrit is now waist high to Bahamut.

Colliding attacks the area, which is filled with fire and light, as a crimson orb of fire, an orb of pure light, and a white Whisp are scattered to the winds.

Note-This is my second attempt at a Power Ranger/Super Sentai/ Kamen Rider esqe story so bear with me for the time being while I figure out how their powers translate and what their drivers/morphers will look like.

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