Chapter 25

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Chapter 25


"...and Princess Emily lived happily ever after. The end." Oscar set his notebook back down on his lap as he finished, his gaze lowered shyly as he chewed on his lip.

"Oscar! That was amazing!" I exclaimed, reaching over and touching his forearm gently. "Did you write that all by yourself?"

He looked up at me then, hope and uncertainty in his eyes as he nodded. "You liked it?"

"I loved it! I think you've got real writing talent, Oscar." I smiled warmly at him. Being an introvert like me, I knew he wanted and needed praise but wouldn't go seeking it out. And he deserved it. It really was a great story.

"And I think Emily loved it too, having a story all about her. Didn't you, Emily?" I turned to Emily, who was sitting on my lap.

She nodded enthusiastically. "I'm a pwincess!" she shouted.

Both boys and I laughed, and then I turned back to Oscar. "See? I can't wait to read what you write next."

He blushed and ducked his head adorably. "Maybe...maybe I could put you in my next story too," he said bashfully.

"I would be honoured to be a part of your next story," I told him sincerely, my hand going to my heart; he beamed at me.

"I think that's a great idea, honey. Maybe your next story can be about Uncle Liam and Auntie Hannah," came Kate's voice from behind us.

I turned my head and found both her and Liam standing in the archway to the living room. They must have gotten here at the same time. My eyes connected with Liam's, and I felt myself blushing at the love I saw in his. Two months in, and I still couldn't believe he was mine.

Oscar looked embarrassed and shrugged. "Sure, I guess."

"Alright, boys. You've got five more minutes, and then we're going home. Go play with your cousin." Kate took Oscar's place on the couch next to me as the boys ran off to play. I set Emily down, and she toddled after them.

Liam bent over the back of the couch and pressed a quick kiss to my lips before excusing himself to go get changed. Kate captured my attention as soon as he was gone.

"So, I'm going to go ahead and guess that my idiot brother hasn't told you that his birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks?"

Shocked, my head snapped back to face her so quickly, my neck hurt a little. "No, he hasn't said anything. I had no idea." I couldn't deny that I felt a little hurt by the news. Why wouldn't he tell me?

She sighed and nodded. "I figured. He hasn't really celebrated his birthday in years. Mom used to make a big deal on our birthdays, and after she died...I don't know. I guess he just didn't feel like celebrating anymore. And it didn't help that Dad was too busy to celebrate with us, to keep the tradition going." She hesitated for a moment, then continued. "It's actually kind of a hard day for him every year. He doesn't deal well with it, so I just wanted to let you know so that you won't be confused if he seems down that day. It really isn't you. It's just how he's been for years."

"Have you tried to celebrate with him?" The last thing I wanted to do was make a big deal about his birthday, only to make him feel even worse. The idea of rejection also didn't appeal to me.

She shrugged. "I tried when we were teenagers, but it never went over well, so I stopped. I still get him a gift every year, of course, but I don't make a big deal out of it." She looked at me then, hope in her eyes. "Maybe it'll be different for you though. Maybe with you, he'll be more open to celebrating the day."

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