Chapter 11

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Horror movies were not my thing. Like, at all. I scared way too easily, and they always stuck with me long after they were over. I could handle it if I watched them during the day and had lots to distract me afterward, but a horror movie at night? And then go to bed right after? No way.

So how had I found myself tucked against Liam's side a few nights later, watching Annabelle Comes Home with him? Who knew? He asked, and my stupid mouth immediately said yes before my brain could stop it.

Did I regret it? Absolutely. did give me an excuse to snuggle into Liam's side and bury my face in his chest every time something scary happened...and he smelled so good...

Okay, so maybe it wasn't quite so bad an experience after all, thinking about it from that perspective...

Still, I was pretty proud of myself when the movie ended. I raised my head from his soft cashmere sweater and gave Liam a big smile. "Hey, I did it!"

He chuckled and shook his head, then raised an eyebrow at me. "You spent half the movie with your eyes closed."

"Yeah, but I still had to listen to it all, and that was almost as bad! And I did it!" He wasn't going to take this win away from me. "Hey, if you want me to watch scary movies with you, I've gotta work my way up. Listening to them now, and eventually, maybe I'll be able to actually watch a scary part."

He kissed the top of my head. "Well, I'm grateful that you're willing to try for me. I don't watch a lot, but Halloween is coming up, so I was in the mood for something spooky."

"Ooh, speaking of Halloween, I was thinking maybe the three of us could dress up together, like a family costume." I froze suddenly, realizing I'd just used the F word. I flushed as anxiety started to flow through me. I didn't want to assume anything or get ahead of myself. This relationship was still new; I didn't want to overstep my bounds. "I-I mean, if you want to. We don't have to—"

"Hey, hey, relax, Sunshine," Liam said softly, turning toward me and soothingly stroking my hair. "It's okay. Now that you've mentioned it, I want to. I want Emily to have the best Halloween this year, and if that means dressing up, then I'm all for it. I do have to warn you, though, that I really haven't dressed up since I was a kid. Well, except for a couple times in university, but I don't really count those times; Roger made me, and I barely even remember them."

My mind was stuck on his admission. "Wait a minute—you haven't dressed up for Halloween since..."

"Since my mom died," he finished quietly for me. But he continued a moment later, his voice taking on an upbeat tone when I gave him a sympathetic look. "So, what better time to start up again, now that I've got you and Emily in my life, right? It's the perfect time to start celebrating again." He gave me a reassuring smile.

"Well then, I'll have to make it the best Halloween ever for you too," I told him with a smile of my own. "Make up for some of the lost time."

"It already will be the best one, if you're here with me." He leaned in and kissed me softly, and I melted as I kissed him back.

"You're so corny," I teased against his lips, sliding my arms around him and pulling him closer.

"Mm, yes, but you love me anyway." He smiled against my lips.

"I do, very much." I pressed one more kiss to his mouth, and then I pulled away from him, concentrating on the task at hand. "Okay now, let's think; what can we dress up as together? Ooh, I know! How about Frozen? Emily can be Elsa, and you can be Ana!" I grinned at him playfully, giggling when he sputtered in surprise.

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