Chapter 22

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Liam's old bedroom was...not what I expected.

Actually, it looked very similar to his room at home—deep, dusky blue walls with clean, white trim, hardwood floor, and a big, four-poster bed against one outside wall. The mattress was covered by a black duvet or comforter, pulled up to the black silk pillows and folded neatly back, the line impeccable, just like at home. Large-paned windows flanked it on either side, and nothing was out of place—though that wasn't surprising, since he hadn't been in here in over a decade.

"This is your childhood bedroom?" I asked, amused, glancing at him with a little smirk as I wandered around the room. He stayed by the door, watching me. Somehow, it made me feel sexy, feeling his eyes on me like that, a predator stalking his prey. "Why am I not surprised?" Had he ever been a child? Though, I supposed, no, he really hadn't been, not since he was nine years old, anyway.

"Yes, though I did live here until I was eighteen, Sunshine. I did have the room redone at some point in those las few years, so if you were hoping to see a room full of toys, I'm sorry to disappoint," he responded dryly.

"I wouldn't have minded seeing an old teddy bear or a train set or Lego, or something, that's all," I said simply with a shrug. "Something to give me some insight into child Liam. Though, to be honest, I can't even picture you playing with toys."

"I played with Lego. I painted model cars and planes and stuff too. Some of that stuff's probably up in the attic somewhere," he conceded with a smile.

It sounded like he'd been a nerdy little kid like me. That thought made me smile widely.

"What are you thinking?" he asked me a moment later as I continued to take everything in.

I glanced at him over my shoulder. "Hmm, I just can't help but notice this room looks a heck of a lot like your room at home," I teased, raising an eyebrow at him.

He took a step into the room, a smirk gracing his lips now too. His eyes, smoldering with desire, never left me, and I loved it. The air was charged with sexual tension. "Are you psychoanalyzing my bedroom, Hannah?" His voice was deceptively calm.

I shrugged nonchalantly, smiling flirtatiously at him. "Maybe it needs psychoanalysis. It speaks to someone...rigid." I looked him up and down, very obviously checking him out. I could see his blue eyes darken from all the way over here. I bit my lip and turned away then, smirking to myself and continuing to inspect the room. In one corner was a couch facing a large tv, a handful of gaming consoles and games lined up on the cabinet underneath. I wondered what games he'd played back then.

On the wall opposite the bed was a shelf filled with awards and trophies, set just above eye level. I moved closer to take a look.

"You played baseball?"

"All through high school. I didn't really enjoy it for anything beyond the sheer physicality of it, but I was good at it, so I stuck with it. Won a few awards for it," he explained from behind me, much closer than he'd been a moment ago. I could feel my pulse pick up, the closer he got.

"Not much into team sports?" I teased as my eyes moved over all the awards and acknowledgements. Baseball. Swimming. Honour Roll. Student council.

His arms slid around my waist, his body pressing against my back. He swept my long hair to the side, and I shivered when his lips just barely brushed my ear. "I can think of one team sport that I very much enjoy," he murmured in that deep, sexy voice I loved so much. He lightly traced his tongue down the outer shell of my ear and nipped at my earlobe before gently sucking at the sensitive hollow beneath it, pulling a groan from me. I tilted my head to the side to allow him greater access.

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