Part 1 - The Arrival

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The feeling of cold metal was waking my senses up. My body was weak and I could barely move. I heard a crank, slow rustic crank. Then I realized I was moving and fast. My head shot up realizing I was in a cage like environment and it was going up faster.

What the hell is happening?

I crawled on my hands and knees bumping into boxes with no light to guide me where to go. I stood up trying to find a door above me to see if I could escape. I felt a lock trying to grab the knob before the sudden jolt knocked me on my behind.

"Hello!" I yelled angrily.

I heard voices above me. It sounded like male voices, about a few dozen. Should I lie back down and act unconscious until I can escape is what came to mind. I heard a crank again like a door on the other side from me was opening.

My body went back down like I fainted. I heard double doors open with the male voices becoming more clear. They were young boys, teenagers most like me.

"What do we have this month?" I heard one ask.

"Open the box slinthead" another said.

"Woah" I heard the closest one say. He has a British accent.

"What is it?" I heard multiple ask.

"It's a girl" the British boy said.

Multiple around stunned that they heard a girl was in the box. Was there really no other girl here?

"Get her out" I heard one boy say kind of demanding.

Although my eyes were closed I could it was the British boy would picked me up in his arms.

"Give her to me" the demanding one said.

I could feel the transition between going from the slender arms of the British boy to the strong somewhat muscular boy who carried me.

I heard so many footsteps behind him most likely being the other boys following him.

"Gally be careful with her." I heard another boy tell him.

Gally, he does sound like a demanding boy.

He lied me down on the soft grass confusing me what he was about to do.

"Gally why isn't she waking up?" another boy asked.

"How am I suppose to know?" he said obnoxiously.

"Is she dead?" one asked.

"Why would they send us a dead girl?" he asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Is she breathing?" the British boy asked.

I could feel his fingers under my nose checking for a sign of life as he bent down.

"She's definitely breathing" he said.

"Hey Gally check her heart beat?"

"What shuckface?" he scoffed.

"Check her heartbeat" one boy said again.

"I can't believe I'm doing this."

I could feel him coming back down. Right then and there I knew this could be my chance.

My leg swung up making contact with his jaw taking him down.

A wave of reactions surfaced among the boys half laughing and cheering as I bolted as fast as I could to escape.

"Guys we have a she runner!" I heard one yell.

Looking at the vines on the wall I figured I would climb my way to the top. I was almost there.

I could feel something was behind me, and sure enough I was tackled by one of them, Gally. We rolled and rolled over one another until he had me pinned.

"You're fast, but not fast enough."

He gave me one of the most smug looks I've ever seen. Swiftly he carried me over his shoulder as I tried to squirm from his tight grip.


"Oh so you do talk" he said probably still smirking.

"I MEAN IT LET ME GO." I kept squirming.

"You're only making it worse for yourself."

Eventually we got to what looked like a home camp site.

"Guys open em up" he ordered two guys guarding the front door to the inside.

Finally my feet returned to the ground with Gally setting me down.

I got to see his face once again and still had the high and mighty look. What was this guy's deal? Is he in charge here?

"Do you promise not to runaway this time greenie?"

"What did you call me?" I asked defensively.

"Greenie, in other words newbie."

"Well I don't like it so stop."

"Yea well that's what we call every newbie and since you don't know how things run around here allow me to tell you how it is."

Before he could say another word I stuck my leg to his chest stopping him from coming any closer.

"Touch me again and I'll do a lot worse than kicking you to the jaw." I threatened.

"Yea that would not be the wisest thing to do to a Keeper as a greenie."

"A what? What's a Keeper?" I scoffed.

"Keepers are leaders of their own special area. For example in the Keeper of the builders. All this stuff you see around here is because of me and my crew."

"And what Keeper would I go to complain about your work." I said crossing my arms.

"You know I was trying to be nice at first but you're really starting to poke the bear greenie."
he started to walk towards me again. I wasn't gonna push him back this time. I wanted to meet him at his level. My height probably couldn't but my eyes could.

"Oh you call what you've been the past fifteen minutes nice? Perhaps someone should give you a lesson in mannerisms since it looks like you Keepers don't know everything."

His face came near mine inches away from me.

"Alright look here greenie" he scolded.

Another boy bursted in.

"Enough" another well built boy came in ordering.

Gally turned around looking almost in panic.

"Gally this is not how we treat our new guest, a female especially the first one of our kind. Apologize to her right now." he demanded.

Gally's eyes couldn't leave the floor until he quickly glanced over to me.

"I'm sorry" he said nearly defeated.

"Now as the Keeper of the builders I suggest you go overlook your team, captain." the other boy said.

"Yes Alby." he said.

As he walked out the other boy named Alby came over to me.

"Hey hey, don't worry nothings gonna happen. Sorry about Gally, he isn't the most welcoming person here in the Glade."

"You got that right" I rolled my eyes.

"My name is Alby, I'm in charge here. Can you tell me your name if you remember?"

I knew I had a name I just couldn't recall right now.

"I'm sure I do I just can't remember right now. Is that normal?"

"Typically yes, it should come back to you in a few days."

"Can you tell me where I am?" I asked.

"Yes I can, follow me" he said walking towards the door before I hesitated.

"Don't worry, no one is going to tackle you this time. I already made it abundantly clear anyone who tries to touch you will be severely punished."

"Can I have you with me at all times?" I joked following him.

My Keeper - A TMR Gally FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now