Chapter III: Onwards! To the Training Grounds!

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While Vignar was taken care by Thorus's men, he escorted me to The castle. When we're there, the guards stopped us at the front gate.

"Thorus, who is this young boy who you brought here? and what is his business here in The Palace of Dreams?"

"His name is Ezra Sundowner, son of Lucas Sundowner. He's here to meet the king and to tell him about what happen in Gallus City."

"So, you're from Gallus City, its been a long time since we heard news about the town. What happen kid?"

"It was under attack, the orcs attack our city and killed both of my parents! I need to warn my uncle, Celeblasben, and tell about my Grandfather!"

"What!? Okay, we will call the king about your arrival, for now, get in and wait for a while, and while you're at it, enjoy the view of the Palace Of Dreams."

"Thank you." Thorus answered.

We entered the Palace Of Dreams, and as soon as i'm in there, it was different from any other castles my dad have took me to. I was mesmerized by the view of the castle and i feel, Pure inside the castle. I was gonna touch one of its items in the castle when my uncle went down.

"Ezra, my boy... Its been awhile."
I still recognise that voice, my uncle's voice, who sounded like my father's, almost mistaken that it was my father.

"Uncle! Yes, its been awhile, but first things first. i need to tell you about Gallus City!"

"Calm down my boy, i already heard of what happen from the guards. Those orcs, took over Gallus City, and murdered both of your parents! Its just gone too far! I'm really sorry for what happen to your father, he was a good man, fought by my side 30 years ago, with your mother too, damn we were all heroes, untill age took over, and forces us to become kings! Aye the honor is big, but i miss those fighting days. So, what brings you here? besides, there's no way that you came all the way here only to remind me about the threat."

"Haha, you're always like that uncle, the story's quite long, and i hope you can understand what i mean."

"Aye, lets take a seat first."

We sat on the dining table right in front of the Throne. His throne looked like my father's back at Gallus City.

"Now, where were we lad?"

I explained him about grandpa, my powers, legacy, and about the woods where i would practice.

"By The Great Stars of Guntherlaag... Your Grandfather told you that?! Well, we should go practice then! C'mon, what are we waiting for? I know the forest inside out, i'll give Thorus the Knowledge of The Forest. So that he'll lead you there."

"Why won't you come with me?"

"I don't wanna risk myself to be killed out in the forest, there could be Orc scouts, after all, i'm the King here, the People here need my guidance. I'll warn the People here and around the castle to get inside their houses and take shelter. In case of an impending attack. But i think that won't be neccesary, 'cause these orcs can have their celebration after attacking a big castle for as a year or two. so you got 18 months to practice this power of yours. Make it count lad, cause time doesn't step backwards, its just keeps on going."

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