i've missed you... [smut]

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It's been a long and exhausting week for Dr. Lincoln and Dr. Wilson, both of them caught up in the chaotic world of surgery at Grey-Sloan Memorial. Despite living together, their busy schedules tend to keep them apart. So, when Link walked through the door this evening and saw Jo, his heart raced and his body stirred.

He stood in the doorway, taking in her appearance. Jo, his beautiful girlfriend, looked gorgeous as ever. Her hair fell loosely around her face, and her hazel eyes sparkled. She wore a simple t-shirt and sweats, but to Link, she might as well have been naked, her casual attire only fueling him.

"Hey, you," Jo purred, sauntering over to him, her hips swaying seductively. She noticed the appreciative glint in his eye and smirked, loving the effect she had on him, even after all these years. "Miss me?"

Link cleared his throat, his voice thick with desire. "Like crazy. God, Jo, you have no idea." Jo bit her lip, her eyelids fluttering as she placed her hands on his broad chest, feeling his heart pounding wildly beneath her palms. "Now now, give me credit, I have some idea. I've missed you too." She pecked his lips in a quick kiss before he pulled her right back in. He captured her mouth with his, kissing her deeply, his movements demanding and insistent. Jo melted into him, her body reacting instantly.

Link's hands roamed over Jo's body, cupping her breasts, thumbs grazing her softly through the fabric of her shirt. He moaned into her mouth, a raw, guttural sound that sent shivers down her spine. With deft fingers, he slid his hand down the front of her pants to cup her heat, his eyes darkening at feeling how wet Jo already was.

"Already ready for me," he murmured, his breath hot against her ear as he slipped a finger inside her, slowly pumping it in and out. "Do you have any idea how perfect you are?"

Jo whimpered, her head falling back as Link kissed and nipped at her neck. "Atticus..." Link pulled back for a moment. With a light chuckle he said, "My first name? Wow. You haven't called me that since we served buckets of chicken together."

"Mhm. Remember when I cut a take-out box into the shape of a crown for you? King Atticus. I miss him." Link smiled at her. For some reason, it made him especially happy when his girlfriend talked about her memories of them together. They have such a history that it would be a crime not to give it their all, every single time.

"Feeling reminiscent, huh?" He asked with a smirk evident in his voice, "remember New Years? Remember when I..." he trailed off. Jo gasped, and with a growl, Link lifted her up, her legs wrapping around his waist as he carried her to the bedroom. He laid her down on the bed, his eyes devouring her as he stripped off his clothes, revealing his muscled body and that thick, hardening cock she craved.

Jo's eyes widened at the sight, her mouth watering in anticipation. "You're so fucking gorgeous. I'm sorry it took so long to realize you're the one for me, Link." She said apologetically, but Link was having none of that. There's no time like the present.

He stripped Jo of her sweats and shirt before letting her take off her panties herself. Even with the longevity of this relationship, she still likes to reserve that power just to herself.

An adoring smile curved on Link's lips as he positioned himself between Jo's thighs, his hands grasping her ankles as he hooked her legs over his shoulders and assured her, "I love you." He leaned his face down to her ear and planted a few soft kisses and bites there before continuing.

With one swift thrust, he buried himself inside her, groaning as her warmth enveloped him. Jo cried out, her back arching as he began to move, his hips snapping in a slow yet rough rhythm, his pace increasing gradually. Link watched her face, loving the way her eyes scrunched closed in pleasure, her lips parted as she gasped for breath, her breasts heaving with each thrust.

"Fuck, you feel incredible," he grated out, his eyes fixed on where their bodies joined, his cock disappearing into her again and again. "I can hardly even believe you're real. We're really here right now, together... fuck..."

Jo groaned, her hands digging into his shoulders. "Harder, Link, please...I want all of you." He wasn't sure how much more she could take, as she was already gasping for breath on each stroke in and out.

Regardless, he obliged, slamming into her with abandon, causing her to whimper and snap her eyes shut. Link's hands gripped her thighs, his fingers leaving marks on her sensitive skin as he drove them both closer to the edge.

"Finish for me, Jo," he ordered roughly. "All I ever wanted was you, and now that I've had you, I only want you more. I want you again and again. Come on, give it to me."

His words sent her spiraling over the edge, her orgasm crashing through her. She cried out his name, her body shaking as wave after wave of white hot pleasure washed over her. Link felt her clenching around him, and with a few more powerful thrusts, he followed her, his own release claiming him as he buried himself deep and spilled himself into her. His eyes locked with hers as he whispered, "I love you, Jo. I'll love you always."

She kissed him deeply, her eyes shining but clearly ready to close. "I love you too, Link. Always."

In that moment, their connection was deeper than ever, their love passionate and strong through the ups and downs. No matter how busy the two surgeons become, they always put each other first, in mind, soul, and especially body.

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