surrender to me [smut]

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Link and Jo had just finished putting the kids to bed this evening. They'd been looking forward to this moment all week - a quiet night at home, just the two of them, cooking dinner and enjoying each other's company. Jo had suggested pasta, seeing as not much could go wrong there. Link sat on a stool nearby and watched her work, mixing the noodles. Unexpectedly, Jo tensed up with the motion of her arm and let out a pained whimper. Link took immediate note of Jo's signs of exhaustion and inferred that she must be sore and her body overworked. He rose from his seat and walked over to his girlfriend, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind.

"You've been working too hard, baby," Link whispered, his hot breath tickling her ear and traveling her spine. "Let me take care of you tonight, hm?"

Jo relaxed right away, letting out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. Link's strong hands started to work their magic, kneading the tension from her shoulders and neck. She felt herself giving in under his touch, her body softening against his.

"Mmm, Link, that feels so good," she murmured, her eyes closing in pleasure. "I didn't realize how sore I was."

He nuzzled her neck, planting soft kisses along her sensitive skin. "I want to take care of you, Jo. Let me make you feel good."

She leaned back into him, groaning softly as his hands moved lower, gently massaging her thighs. "I'm all yours," she whispered, her voice shot with desire.

Link smiled against Jo's shoulder, hardening (in his already tight jeans) at the sound of her desperation. He knew how to take care of his woman, and tonight he wanted to show her just how much he longs to please her. Link's hands continued to caress her, unbuttoning Jo's pants and sliding his hands underneath them. He felt her wetness through her cotton panties and couldn't help but cup her. Jo gasped at his boldness, her body trembling as she felt his fully stiff bulge pressing against her lower back.

"Such a gorgeous woman," he growled, his lips close to her ear. "You're always ready for me, aren't you?"

Jo's core clenched at his words, her heart speeding up in anticipation. "Yes," she breathed, her face flushing. "I can't help it, you know me so well."

Link's hands remained in her pants, his thumb flicking a single stroke across her clit over the fabric. "Let's take a break from dinner, shall we?" he suggested, his voice low and seductive. "There's only one thing I want to taste."

Jo nodded, her breath hitching as Link guides her over to the countertop. He folded her forward so that she was bent over the cool surface. She braced herself on her forearms, her mind spinning with excitement. Her pants were lowered to mid-thigh, exposing her ass to his gaze.

Link took a moment to admire the view in front of him, his cock twitching with need for his woman. Jo was perfect, and no matter how many times they've been together, Link still couldn't wait to mark her as his own. He hooked his fingers into the waistband of her panties, slowly dragging them down her along with her pants, taking his time to admire the way her skin glowed in the soft light of the kitchen.

Jo spread her legs wantonly, knowing how much it turned him on to see her eager for him. She glistened with arousal, her inner thighs damp with her desire, causing Link's stare to lock on her appreciatively. Before going any further, he leaned down, pressing a kiss to the small of her back.

"This damn body..." he muttered, his lips trailing hot kisses down her spine. He made his way lower and lower, worshipping her perfect frame.

Jo bit her lip, her breath coming in short gasps as she felt his tongue begin swiping through her folds. "Oh God, Link," she moaned, her head falling forward as he started to feast on her, licking and sucking at her clit.

He worked her skillfully, his tongue circling her sensitive bundle of nerves, his hands grasping her hips to hold her still as he devoured her. Jo's hips bucked involuntarily, her walls clenching as she sought friction against his talented mouth.

"That's it, baby, let me hear you," he encouraged, his hands slapping her ass playfully before gripping her hips again to still her movements. "I want to make you forget you were ever in pain."

Jo started letting out incoherent mewls and whimpers, her fingers gripping the edge of the countertop as she felt hot pleasure tightening within her. Link's tongue latched onto her clit, driving her wild. Her walls clamped down hard as she rode out her orgasm, crying for him when waves crashed through her.

Link couldn't think of anything more precious than the taste of her, lapping up her sweet juices as she writhed in the intensity of her release. Link pressed a few more soft kisses to the hot skin on the insides of Jo's thighs, murmuring words of praise as she tried to catch her breath.

"That was incredible," she panted, her body still trembling. "I want more, baby, I want you inside me."

Link straightened, his eyes darkening. He quickly shed his clothes, his big hard cock springing free. Jo's eyes widened at the sight of him, her mouth watering as she licked her lips.

"Fill me up. Now." she whispered, lifting herself up on her palms, offering herself to him.

Link positioned himself at her entrance, the tip of his dick teasing her wet opening. With a slow thrust, he slid into her, groaning at the sensation. Jo sighed at the feeling of fullness, moaning as he pulled out slowly, only to thrust back into her, claiming her as his own.

Link reached around, grasping her swollen clit between his thumb and forefinger, rubbing it in time with his slow, yet deep, thrusts. Jo screamed, her second orgasm taking her by surprise. She clenched around him like a vise as she rode out another release.

Link felt her pulsating around him, and he struggled to hold on, his own release threatening to take over. He wanted this night to be all about Jo, about what she wants and needs. With a supreme effort, he held back, his thrusts becoming slower and more deliberate as he sought to make this moment last forever.

Jo whimpered, her body still throbbing. "Come for me, honey," she urged, knowing he was close. "It's okay, let go."

Link gritted his teeth, his muscles straining as he pounded into her one last time, his cock erupting deep inside her. Jo grabbed one of Link's hands and guided it to her mouth, covering her scream at the feeling of him filling her. Her walls kept milking his cock for more and more of his load.

They stayed like that for several moments, panting and sweaty, before Link gently withdrew, holding Jo close as they both came down from their high.

"You're incredible," Jo whispered, turning in his arms to softly kiss his lips. "I love you, Link."

He smiled, his eyes shining with affection. "I love you too, baby. And I'm always here to take care of you, in every way you need." Jo snuggled into his arms, content and thoroughly satisfied.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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