insecurities [smut]

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Jo Wilson is a relatively confident woman as far as anyone knew, but some days came around where she felt particularly insecure. She's been through a lot in her life, what with overcoming homelessness and building a successful career, not to mention all that happened in between. But despite her achievements, Jo struggled with her self-esteem once in a while. She knew she was pretty, but she's never been truly happy with her appearance. Tonight, as she lay in the arms of her loving boyfriend, Link, those insecurities rose to the surface.

Jo and Link were making out passionately, their lips locked in a deep kiss. Jo's heart raced with desire, but as Link's hands began to roam her body, she tensed up. Link immediately took note of her sudden shift in demeanor. Sensing her distress, he pulled away gently, looking into her hazel eyes with concern.

"What's wrong, baby?" he asked, his voice soft and full of tenderness. "Talk to me."

Jo bit her lip, her hair falling across her face as she averted her gaze. "It's stupid," she mumbled, feeling vulnerable.

Link cupped her cheek, his thumb brushing against her soft skin. "Hey, nothing is stupid here. Talk to me, Jo."

She took in a shaky breath, her heart pounding in her chest. "It's just... I don't know... I've been feeling so insecure lately. My body, my mind... everything feels off. The way I sound, the way I look. It all just feels foreign right now." Her voice trailed off as she struggled to put her emotions into words.

Link's heart melted at the thought of Jo not seeing what he sees when he looks in her eyes. He knew that Jo had been through a lot, hell he'd been by her side for most of it, and he wanted nothing more than to make her feel loved and desired.

"Baby, listen to me," he said, his voice steady and full of conviction. "You are the most beautiful woman I've ever known. Inside and out. And I'm going to cherish every single inch of you."

Without another word, Link began a slow and sensual journey of exploration, worshipping Jo's body with his lips and hands. He started with her mouth, kissing her softly, then tracing her jawline gently. He murmured against her skin, "I love your lips, the way they feel against mine. So soft and inviting."

He moved downwards along Jo's neck, placing open-mouthed kisses on the delicate skin and making her shiver. "I love the way your skin feels under my lips. I can feel your pulse racing."

Link's hands roamed down to cup her breasts, his thumbs brushing over her nipples, causing her to arch into his touch before whimpering and slumping against him. "Your breasts are perfect. I love the way they fill my palms like you were made for me."

Jo gasped as he continued his path of kisses, his stubble gently tickling her sensitive skin. He worshiped her collarbones with kisses and playful bites, making her giggle and squirm. "Everything about you is perfectly crafted, I could stay on just your upper body for hours and I wouldn't complain."

Continuing lower, Link paid homage to her shoulders, kissing and sucking gently, leaving behind wet marks of possession. "Your shoulders are so strong as if they hold up the world, and yet so feminine and delicate. My God, every part of you is gorgeous."

He paused to admire a small patch of scratches and scars that painted her skin, tracing them with his gentle fingers. "These marks tell a story, a reminder of your strength and resilience. They're as beautiful as the woman who carries them."

His hands continued to trace her soft curves, his lips exploring her abdomen. "I can't get enough of you."

As he kissed lower, Jo's breath hitched, her insecurities melting away under the promise of his obvious love and lust for her. Link looked up at Jo, his bright blue eyes burning intensely. "Your body is like the sweetest candy, begging for me to taste. I'm going to devour you, baby."

His tongue traced her slit and ghosted over her most sensitive spots, before dipping inside to taste her. Jo moaned, her hands tangling in his hair as he treated her with passion and skill. "You taste so fucking good... I could stay right here forever."

Link explored her with his mouth, sucking on her clit and skillfully thrusting his fingers inside her. Jo's hips bucked against his face, her breath coming in short gasps as she approached her peak.

As Jo climbed higher, Link added two more fingers and upped his pace, hitting her G-spot in time with his tongue brushing over her clit. "Come for me, Jo. Let me feel you clench around my fingers. Come on, let me have all of you."

As if on cue. Jo cried out, her body shaking as she exploded for the man in front of her. Link lapped her up, making the pleasure last even longer.

When her breathing started to slow down, Link gently kissed her inner thighs before making his journey back up her body. He kissed and caressed her skin as he went. He looked into her eyes, love and adoration shining in his gaze. "You are so beautiful, Jo. Every part of you is perfect to me. Don't ever forget that."

Jo blushed at his confession, and all his earlier words. Pulling Link close, their bodies pressed together, skin on skin. "Thank you... for loving me, for... everything." Link smiled back at his woman, content to just lay there with her all night and drown in her presence.

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