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Dragonstone was in a panic, the garrison rushed into defensive positions and the small folk from the small towns surrounding the fortress all rushed to the safety the castle brought. Nearly a hundred unknown ships were on the horizon, these were no trading ships but war galleys armed to the teeth with ballista and heavily manned. The Royal Fleet which normally would've been sent to intercept them sat impotently in the water, the crews had all been drinking the night before and were caught off guard by the arrival of the unknown fleet.

Ser Willem Darry was in command of the Dragonstone Garrison and by extension the Royal Fleet in the absence of Lord Lucerys Velaryon. As a veteran warrior, he saw the futility of launching the royal fleet at such a late time. The unknown fleet had a good position, they were spread out and currently encircling the stationed royal fleet. While they could try and escape the encirclement, they would be leaving Dragonstone defenceless allowing men to land, it's also likely they'd lose a lot of ships in the process.

He decided the crew were of better use atop the castle walls defending it from above. Dragonstone was an ancient fortress made by the Targaryens of Valyria; their knowledge of stonework was masterful and the very stones of the wall were infused with aura. It would be impossible for anyone to break through the walls, meaning they could only assault the gate and attempt to climb the walls.

Ser Darry could see he was outnumbered, but that would not deter him from protecting his queen and her son. He had a dozen aura users at this command and over a thousand men, he could make it work and defend the fortress until reinforcements could be sent. However, he was being hopelessly optimistic as any reinforcements could only come from the Redwynes as they had a fleet almost double the size of the royal one. Without the ships to ferry men they would have no way of breaking through the blockade the other fleet would doubtfully form.

"Ser, what is happening?" Ser Darry stopped in his tracks as the voice of Queen Rhaella echoed out to him. He turned to her and bowed as is customary, despite her worried face she was still a vision of beauty and the baby bump on her stomach only seemed to make her glow.

"An unknown fleet of ships has appeared on the horizon, but do not worry my Queen, the fortress is strong and our provisions are fully stocked, we will outlast these invaders," Ser Darry said trying to alleviate her worries.

Rhaella had not been in much contact with the mainland ever since she had come to Dragonstone. She had forced her husband to send her here —though admittedly through subtle means— as when she first saw signs of her pregnancy she knew Aerys would discover her infidelity. They had not lain together for many years thanks to Daemon so it wouldn't be difficult to discover she had been with someone else. In truth, this rebellion was a blessing in disguise as it meant she could hide the pregnancy and give birth on Dragonstone without the King becoming aware.

However, her worries only seemed to grow. Her husband was a hated man and she and Viserys would undoubtedly make good hostages. The thought of anything happening to her children made her heart clench in pain, but all she could do was trust Ser Darry and his ability to defend the fortress. Ser Darry made his way to the top of the wall where his Captains stood and simply watched as the ships drew closer to the island.

"Oil!?" Ser Darry shouted.

"Oil ready!"


"Archers ready!"

"Devon, go and arm the small folk, give them spears and have them fill in the gaps, if they want protection they can damn we'll help defend the place," Ser Darry commanded. Devon nodded before rushing down the steps of the wall with his men following close behind.

Ser Darry could only hope and pray that they lasted long enough that reinforcements could come. 'We can win...'


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