The Spark

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Daemon stood across from his sister Serra as she prepared herself for their duel. She looked at him with venom in her eyes, while he could only look at her with joy; the fact that his sister was doing okay and not in some whore house or a man's mistress. Very often he had dreamed of his sister being tortured or dying because he hadn't saved her; to see her well and powerful was a burden off his shoulders. "Are you sure you wish to do this, I had hoped our reunion would be a bit more touching than this," Daemon said as he looked at her across the field.

Serra scowled at him as she twirled her sword in her hands "We will use live steel, if you lose you die it is as simple as that," she said not bothering to answer his question.

Howland who was next to Daemon looked concerned. While he knew Daemon was very powerful what he felt coming from the woman across the field scared him; Howland wasn't used to aura users projecting their malice through their auras, he had never experienced it before and so he wrongly assumed it meant that she was more powerful than she was. While Serra was indeed powerful —she needed to be to use such an advanced aura technique— she was not at the same level as Daemon.

"Are you sure about this Daemon?" Howland asked in a whisper as he stood next to his Lord.

"Don't worry, it'll be over quickly and I'll make sure no one gets hurt," Daemon said with a smile as he handed Howland Blackfyre.

"Keep a hold of this, I don't want it being said I won because of superior equipment," Daemon stated.

Serra saw him discard his sword and nodded towards Harry Strickland "Get him a sword I don't want it being said my victory was unfair."

Howland snorted 'Seems like they are similar in more than just looks,' he thought to himself.

"No need, I don't imagine I'll need one," Daemon shouted out to Harry who paused in his steps.

Serra growled at Daemon's arrogance, she would show him not to underestimate her. "Begin!" She shouted as her aura exploded out of her and her eyes flashed crimson red. Daemon was surprised as he had thought her aura would be larger than what he was shown; Serra pushed off the ground cracking it as she did and sped towards Daemon. Daemon let his own aura flare up —matching Serra's.

Though to Daemon's surprise as she got closer her aura started to grow at a rapid pace. By the time she was within reach of Daemon, it had grown to nearly ten times its original size though Serra quickly wrestled it under control and used 'Fortify'. Serra swung her sword in a side swing that Daemon dodged; Howland was blown away by the force of the swing and had to flip around midair to land on his feet.

Serra wasn't finished however and she rushed back to Daemon swinging her sword in an aim to cut him down. Daemon managed to stay ahead of her dodging each strike though it was a bit jarring. 'Her aura grows larger and smaller depending on how close she is to me, is that her ability?' He wondered to himself. Her speed kept on increasing and decreasing, this stopped Daemon from being able to get an accurate read on her.

Daemon launched an aura-filled kick towards her which she blocked with the flat end of her sword. She was forced back skidding through the dirt but quickly pushed back and thrust her sword forward intent on impaling him; Daemon however flared his aura condensed it into a sword and parried her sword upwards. Serra looked at him in shock as she hadn't seen someone shape their aura in such a way before —at least in a way that wasn't someone's aura ability. Daemon sliced through the air aiming for her stomach but Serra brought down her sword and clashed against him. "I'll kill you!" Serra growled out as she started driving against Daemon pushing him back, she then spun around slamming her sword into Daemon's aura-formed sword as he blocked it. However, due to the increased power that Serra channelled into her sword, she was able to slice through Daemon's aura; the young Blackfyre had to bend backwards barely avoiding the sword that slashed directly above him.

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