Chapter 2

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February 26th | The same day

The bus ride felt all too long. After getting off the bus, Midoriya and I stood in awe at the structure in front of us. It was a whole city. Geez. My family can barely afford separate bedrooms, and these guys are here living the prime life! I don't blame them, but still...

"How rich are these guys?" a random kid spoke.

That's what I'm saying! It's huge!

"This is nuts!"

"It's, like, a whole city."

Loud chatter and exclamative noise passed through the crowd.

Okay, here we go. I cannot mess this up.

I spotted the brunette girl who saved Midoriya earlier. Maybe I should be her friend. I could always work on that right?

Midoriya clearly had the same train of thought, and the two of us began to walk towards her.

I became lost in my thoughts until I heard a yelp.

"Hmm?" I hummed — I suddenly felt like I had missed out on a lot, when really it had been about 5 seconds, and nothing significant had happened.

"She looks like she's trying to focus on the trials ahead. What are you going to do? Distract her and ruin her chances to succeed?" Ugh, it was that loud navy-haired kid from the lecture hall.

"No, no, no, of course not. I..." Deku stuttered.

"Hey, over there," Oh, no, there was some random kid. Shit's about to go down.

"That's the guy who almost bit it out front earlier."

I felt the veins in my forehead pop and my heart rate rise.

"He practically wet himself in the lecture hall."

This was my first friend. He's so kind, why would they be mean to him?

"Dude what a loser."

I was so close to yelling. One more comment and I swear on my—

"But one less rival to worry about, I guess."

I won't say anything. These could be my future classmates. What else can I do?

I grabbed Midoriya by the collar and dragged him away with an infuriated glare on my face.

When I calmed down, I was met with terrified faces. I bet they were thinking 'Oh no big scary man', well boo-hoo I guess.

"Piss off," I mumbled.

People shuffled into groups timidly to talk amongst themselves.

"Uh... T-Thanks, Kai," Midoriya muttered.

"Anytime, pipsqueak," I smiled. Midoriya blushed at the new name. Little did he know, there was no negotiating nicknames. After all, I've been calling Noriko Grey since we were little, and I've never stopped no matter how much she's retaliated.

I saw the gates to the arena begin to open and I ran — no — I sprinted in.

"Right, let's start!" I heard Present Mic's voice behind me as I reached the inside of the arena.

I could feel eyes all over me, but I never stopped running.

"Get moving! There are no countdowns in real battles. Run, run, run, listeners! You're wasting airtime here!"

Okay, I can do this. No pressure. Actually, lots of pressure. It's fine, I got a head-start. Wait. Focus.

I looked up, seeing a 3-pointer straight ahead of me. I brought the snakes on my arms to life, and they impaled the robot with my control.

Kai [Bakugou x OC]Where stories live. Discover now