Dagonfall I - Agum's conquest

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Province of Dagonfall - Middle second era

    Dagonfall is one of the most important, distinct and prominent provinces of the empire, it was conquered at the middle part of the second era, it was under the influence of Dagon, the Dragon most closest to human in it's form, and it's considered to be the most dangerous one, he's high in the hierarchy of the Eldritch beings of this world, it's said he can speak human language, influence dreams, rally hordes of lesser dragons, control the mind of animals, invoke the forces of nature and spit fire.

    The first warband to set foot in Dagonfall were under Agum's leadership, a giant robust man, with large shoulders and long braided red hair, it was said he didn't bear any powers, but his iron will, his skill with a spear and the axe, and his terrifying black shield with the face of a Demon with saber tooth made him more than a formidable fighter, they say his shield is imbued with supernatural powers, and his strength capable of taking animals bare handed, but still light on his feet, he didn't use heavy armors and instead preferred to trust himself in not getting hit.

    Agum was a dedicated follower of Arkan, the warrior god of glory, and Agum thought he'd come closer to the ancestral strength through achievement in combat. In contrast to other leaders that took a more cautious approach when entering new lands, Agum already came with 250 of his best man to start bringing hell to Dagon's hordes, and he was confident that with each victory, he could rally and recruit more to his cause, and he succeed.

    The Dragons were not civilized like Nokhians, but they had hierarchy and primitive forms of architecture and human slaves, they opened large tunnels to gather rock and hard material for building 'walls' and forts to mark territories, they also built nests with roofs and and towers where they can both rest safely but also seeing far into the landscape for danger, and sometimes these constructions formed very primitive forms of 'cities', especially due to their human slaves who also built their tents and necessary structures.

    But the Dragons fought for territory between themselves, and most of them couldn't work together unless they had a 'pack leader'. So each Dragon city had a more smart and formidable Dragon.

   There's three main types of Dragons, the quadrupeds the biped and the flying ones, but the most common specimen was the Racer one of the biped ones, quick lean and agile digitigrade horned dragons, looking like tall wingless birds with 'crowns' of feathers around their neck, their fingers are big hook claws who made them able to easily climb everything. These were the fighters, and the quadrupeds their working tools. There was also the flying ones that were treated more as pets.

   Agum didn't had specific tactics, as soon as they discovered one of the dragon's cities, they provoked the Dragons to come out of the city and face them, and then slayed all of them in brutal fights who sometimes lasted for hours and spread all across the forest as they attacked the dragons on multiple fronts eventually scattering them, and hunting them down one by one.

    The humans who wanted to be liberated were invited to join their ranks, the ones who still believed the sovereignty of their dragon lords were mercilessly killed.

   Although Agum's way of battle was very destructive for him and his men too, he believed in proving Nokhians could face the Dragons in forthright physical combat was paramount. Until that point Nokhians were always trying to avoid direct combat with the Dragons, this gave the Nokhians a sense of weakness and the Dragons a sense of power, and Agum decided to turn the tables on this notion and put fear in the Dragon's hearts, "...if they have one", as Agum would say.

   Agum's succeeded in igniting a fire for combat and strength in the Nokhians didn't felt for a very long time, it was said that Agum's incorporated the God of combat Arkan and unleash his wrath.

   This fiery spirit who possessed the Nokhians rallied by Agum brought fear to lord Dagon, who was never challenged to this degree, he believed his region to be beyond human's reach, but what started with a small warband of a couple hundred man, became thousands who attacked the Dragon's nests, cities and caverns everyday, never before the Dragons tasted so much iron and steel piercing their scales, they now had more than one army under Agum's cause, and mankind didn't even allowed the Dragons time to prepare.

   But then Dagon conjured up a solution, and now things would take a even more violent turn...

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