Professional Blades V: Forbiddance

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Province of Dragonscape - The beginning of the third era

   The Ahujas only had one hour sleep before being slowly awaken by their own highly sharp sense of danger something's coming. But they did not know where or what, but they felt something was lurking close.

  Sinjid couldn't help but comment "The dead are restless and the mirror is getting clouded.", Zamirr, aware of Sinjid's unique understanding and connection to the world of the dead, asks 

---Zamir: What does that imply, Sinjid?

---Sinjid: Let me listen...

   Sinjid touched his head's temple with his fingers and concentrated on the unnerving murmurs and moans of the restless dead ones on the other side, the feeling of this process was like feeling a subtle vibration deep into your head, and when focused on it, the vibration grows and soon the physical world falls into silence and you just hear what's on the other side like your mind being a channel for the otherworldly dialogues, it's very deeply unnerving and it brings a intense feeling of dread and forbiddance, it disturbs the mind and poison your senses, but a disciplined mind could is able to endure it to reasonable amounts. 

  He could hear the restless ghosts cry, moan and shout out of anger but mostly fear, like something menacing awoken them abruptly. But he also heard a something else coming, like a storm, the sounds could only be visualized as... "It's raining blades"

  Soon Sinjid was brought back to the physical world as Zamirr slapped him shouting "Look out!", soon, Sinjid opened his eyes to witness the Ahuja warriors in combat position as they were being approached by these 'dim red' skinned fiends, they had a smaller frame with a forward curved spine, but they emanated a aura of undeath.

---Sinjid: These beings... They're not from this world or sons of dragons, neither do they're humans, what are they?---

  He asked mostly to himself, as he would suspect his fellow clan warriors wouldn't know it either, but surprisingly, Zamirr knew exactly what they are

---Zamirr: They're undead, brought forth from the other world, Kulhur's invaded their minds while they were still alive and prepared them to be brought into life again later, it's a nasty ritual.

   Sinjid got very suspicious of his master, how does he know about something so specific and deep about this region lore? They just came here to do a contract and leave, and they had no way of studying about it back in Mournfall or other provinces, is there was something Zamirr was hiding?

  But before he could think much, the battle started, the demonic undeads attacked the Ahujas with spears, clubs and scythes. The undeads had a bizarre resistance to cuts, almost like their skin was made of "soft rock". Zamirr and Sinjid quickly adapted to it, and using their brawl and skills, they waited for the undeads attack to dodge and deliver powerful punches or kicks into their heads, the undeads moved very slowly at first, but when they attack, they unleashed a uncanny speed and strength, but without actual skill, which left their open to counter attacks if you were very sharp.

   But two of the Ahujas weren't so quickly to adapt to their strong and weak suits, one plunged his dagger into one's chest, but it barely went half through, and the Demonic undead just took a bite off his hand, showing their collection of sharp shark teeth. And quickly another one came by behind by pulling him by the head and bringing the Ahuja down to the ground. The other one was pulled by his legs into the dark forest and away from the camp to never be seen again, but still making some of his screams heard.

  Soon, there were only Zamirr, Sinjid and other three Ahuja warriors who defeated the undeads, mostly by relying more on their agility to strike the undeads while they were attacking, their most vulnerable moment, and plunging their daggers to their eyes.

---Sinjid, after their victory, quickly walked over to Zamirr: Master, what's the meaning of this? You knew about this monsters? What are you hiding?---

  Zamirr had a complicated relationship with Sinjid, the Ahuja method of training as cruel, to destroy mercy from their minds, and Zamirr was one of the old masters to design those trainings, progressively cruel methods to erase sympathy. But Zamirr was never able to completely darken Sinjid's heart, that's why he was still his student even though Sinjid's skills far surpassed those of a average Ahuja warrior.

---Zamir: Sinjid, stop being a fool, conceptual senses of "justice" does not help our clan, we're not made for that, we're meant for brutal efficacy, let the temple worry about that.

  Zamirr instantly knew this was Sinjid's heart's speaking, if he was truly without some kind of mercy or justice thoughts in his head, Zamirr's suspicious knowledge shouldn't ever bother Sinjid.

---Sinjid: "What my question have to do with my heart?! I've already said it, i've gone through all your training! I'm a Ahuja warrior! Without mercy or sympathy! "

  Zamirr didn't had to explain himself, his instincts were sharp and they knew what was behind those words, he then just brutally slapped Sinjid with the back of his hands, his blow so cruel his harden knuckles even cut a bit of Sinjid's face

---Zamirr: Stop deceiving yourself! You're no Ahuja warrior! Years of the best trainings and opportunities we could offer for you to be as efficient and unconcerned as you could be, and yet still you think with your heart, still worried about some kind of arbitrary sense of Justice, forget it Sinjid, there's no justice in this world, the ancient Nokhians weren't divine, just people doing what the hell they want, like us... If you're not going to be freed from these religious lies, you'll never become as efficient and powerful as us, despite your skills.

 ---Sinjid: Yes... sir, apologies. 

   Zamirr still hit him, know with a kick to his head, making him fall to the ground spilling some blood

---Zamirr: Fuck your apologies! I'm sick of being your master and still having to see your eyes and your voice judge and demand justifications of me! Next time you just as much looks at me with those defying eyes, or mutter complaints with your insolent tongue, i'll take them off and make you wander the world of the dead in silence and blindness. Now let's go, this night is not over, more undeads are coming our way.


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