Chapter 2 (Beyond Expectation)

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  Eva found her way to the secretary's office who would take her to Mr. Ethan Blackwoods office for the interview.
    As Eva approached the office door, Piper the secretary place a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Remember, Eva, Mr. Blackwood can be... intense", she whispered to Eva. Take a deep breath and try to stay calm". Piper said assuringly.
    Eva nodded, her heart racing with anticipation. She had heard rumors about Ethan's demanding nature, but she was determined prove herself.
      Piper smiled encouragingly and opened the door. "Good luck Eva, you'll need it".
      As Eva entered the office, she felt a sudden jolt of tension. Ethan Blackwood sat behind his desk, his piercing gave fixed on her like a laser. His expression was unreadable, but his eyes seemed to bore into her very soul.
       "Ah, Eva", he said, his deep voice firm but measured. "Welcome to lumina enterprises. I trust you are ready to discuss your qualifications?"
         Eva swallowed hard, trying to calm her nerves. She had prepared for this moment, but Ethan's intimidating presence made her doubt herself. She took a deep breath and replied " yes sir" she replied and gave him her certificate and Ethan's eyes scanned the certificate, his brow furrowed in the scrutiny. For a moment, Eva worried she'd make mistake, but then his expression changed. A hint of surprise followed by a calculating look.
       "Impressive", he said, his voice low and measured. "But tell me, Eva, how do you think your skills will translate to our company's specific needs".
        Eva had prepared for this. She launched into a confident explanation of her experience and how it aligned with lumina enterprises' goals. Ethan listened intently, his eyes never leaving hers, his questions piercing but fair.
        As the interview progressed, Eva found herself relaxing into the conversation. Ethan's intensity was still daunting, but she sensed a glimmer of respect beneath his tough exterior. She began to see this as an opportunity to prove herself, to show him she was more than just a determined newcomer.
        "Eva I must say, I'm impressed", Ethan said his voice a bit soft than before.
      "Your passion and expertise are actually what the company needs and after our earlier encounter, I think it's best if I keep a close eye on you", he smirked
      He leaned forward, his gleaming with a hint of mischief. "I'm making you my personal assistant. You'll work directly under me, and we'll see if you can live up to your promises".
       Eva's mind raced as she processed the unexpected turn of events. She had hoped for a job, but this? Working directly under the CEO, and after their confrontational start? It was a challenge to say the least.
         " But Mr. Ethan Blackwood", she uttered, "are you sure that's a good idea? After what happened earlier..."
           Ethan's simle grew wider, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Oh, I'm very sure, Eva I want you to see if you can handle the heat, and who knows? Maybe you'll surprise me".
         With that, he stood up, signaling the end of the interview. Eva left the office, her heart racing with excitement and hint of trepidation. She had just become Mr. Blackwood personal assistant.
            "Ethan strode out of his office, his long strides carrying him quickly to Piper's desk. "Piper, I want you to take Eva to her office'', instructed, his voice firm.
             Piper's eyebrows shot up in surprise. " Her office, sir?" She repeated, her eyes flickering to Eva, who was still standing at the doorway, looking a bit dazed. "Yes, Piper", Ethan confirmed, his expression unyielding. "She's going to be my new personal assistant and I want her to work from the office adjacent to mine".
          Piper's eyes widened further, her face pale. "But, sir ... the office.... it's"
            "I know what you're thinking, Piper", Ethan interrupted with his cold voice, "But I've made up my mind, Eva is the first person to impress me in a long time, and I want to keep a close eye on her".
              Piper nodded, still looking surprised, but she quickly recovered. "Yes sir, I'll show Eva to her new office right away".
               As Piper led Eva to the office, she leaned in and whispered, " welcome to the inner sanctum, Eva, you're the first person to ever make It past the boss's defenses. Good luck!"
              Eva smiled, feeling a sense of pride and trepidation. She had no idea what is ahead of her, but she was ready to face whatever challenges that comes her way.
               Eva burst through the front door, barely containing her excitement. "Mum, mum! Guess what happened today!" She exclaimed, dropping her bag on her chair. Her mum,who was  cooking dinner in the kitchen, turned around with a warm smile. "What is it sweetie? Did the interview go well?"
           Eva nodded enthusiastically, her eyes shining. " It went well mum! I got the job! and it's not just any job- I'm going to be the personal assistant to the CEO himself, Mr. Ethan Blackwood.
          Her mum's face lit up with pride. "Eva, that's incredible! Congratulations honey! I knew you could do it". Eva danced over to her mum, giving her a big hug. Thanks, mum. I'm so happy, and the best part is, he's really handsome and charming but also a bit intimidating. I think it's going to be a challenging but exciting job".
       Her mum chuckled, hugging her back. "Well you've always been up for a challenge, I'm sure you'll do great things Eva, I'm so proud of you". As they hugged , Eva felt a sense of gratitude and love for her mum, who had always supported and believed in her. She knew that she was lucky to have such an amazing mother, and she is determined to make her proud.

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