3. RIKA: Strange Unexpected

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The morning unfolded in a comfortable rhythm. Rika tackled the laundry, the rhythmic hum of the washing machine a familiar melody. The house sparkled as she dusted and vacuumed, a sense of satisfaction blooming in her chest. With her chores complete, she found herself drawn back to the living room, a controller clutched in her hand. The solitude, however, felt a little different today. The absence of Luke created a void, a stark contrast to the playful banter of the morning.

To distract herself, she booted up the Mario Kart game, selecting a solo race. Yoshi sped across the rainbow-colored tracks, but the usual joy was absent. Her focus kept drifting, her mind replaying the events of the past two days – the shared bath, the unexpected closeness of the night, the playful teasing over breakfast. Rika couldn't shake the feeling that something had fundamentally shifted between her and Luke.

The afternoon wore on, punctuated by the chime of the washing machine and the quiet hum of the house. As five o'clock approached, a wave of nervousness washed over Rika. According to the NakedMaids Inc. manual, standard protocol dictated greeting the client upon their return home – naked. The thought sent a blush creeping up her neck. This morning, in the post-cuddle haze, it hadn't seemed so daunting. But now, alone with her own thoughts, the prospect felt overly intimate, a step beyond the comfortable camaraderie they'd established.

Taking a deep breath, Rika stood near the front door, her bare skin prickling with both anticipation and apprehension. The silence stretched, broken only by the rhythmic tick of the grandfather clock. Would Luke find it strange? Too forward? A million questions swirled in her mind.

The doorknob rattled, sending a jolt through Rika. Her back straightened in a practiced bow, the words of greeting poised on her lips. But as the door swung open, a wave of disappointment washed over her.

Standing on the porch wasn't Luke, but a tall, unfamiliar man with a bewildered expression on his face. The carefully orchestrated image of a seductive welcome dissolved instantly, replaced by a flush of awkwardness that burned all the way to her toes.

"Uh, hi there," the man stammered, his eyes widening slightly as they took in Rika's state of undress. "I, uh, I'm sorry to bother you. Is Luke here?"

Rika, scrambling to salvage some shred of dignity, managed a weak smile. "No, he's not. Can I help you?"

The man's gaze flickered around the room before landing back on her. "Actually," he said, scratching the back of his head, "I'm a college mate of Luke's. Lucas Thompson. We used to crash at each other's places all the time. See, I found this key in my backpack, and I remembered Luke leaving a spare set at his place in case something like this happened." He held up a key ring with a familiar silver house key dangling from it. "And then..." he rummaged in a bag he held in his other hand, pulling out a folded pile of clothes, "...I found these in my closet too. Turns out I must have grabbed an extra duffel bag when I was cleaning out some old stuff."

Rika's heart sank a little further. The unexpected arrival shattered the charged atmosphere she'd built up all afternoon. But seeing Luke's forgotten clothes brought a familiar warmth to the awkward situation. "Oh, right," she said, trying to sound professional. "Please, just leave them by the door. I'll make sure they get back to Luke."

Lucas placed the key ring and clothes by the entrance, his gaze lingering on her for a beat too long. "Look," he began, hesitantly, "I know this is all a bit strange, and I wouldn't normally just show up unannounced..."

Rika waved him off, a wry smile playing on her lips. "No worries, really. Luke... uh, my client, has a pretty... unique living arrangement."

Lucas began, scratching his head sheepishly. "If you don't mind me asking, who are you exactly? And why, uh, the welcoming committee situation?"

Rika winced. There went her attempt at playing it cool. "Right," she mumbled, the blush creeping back up her neck. Taking a deep breath, she decided honesty was the best policy. "I'm Rika. And, well," she hesitated, forcing a smile, "I work for a company called NakedMaids Inc. We, uh, provide a... personalized maid service."

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