7. RIKA: Soft Lips

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The familiar sight of Luke's apartment building brought a wave of relief washing over Rika. Ignoring the ache in her arms from the heavy grocery bags, she hurried inside, the clinking of bottles a rhythmic counterpoint to her tired steps.

Unlocking the door, she was greeted by the sterile silence of an empty apartment. Luke, it seemed, was still at work. Relief mingled with a flicker of disappointment in her chest. A stolen moment of quiet companionship would have been welcome after the gauntlet of stares on the bus ride home.

With a sigh, she began unpacking the groceries, the chill of the refrigerator a welcome contrast to the warmth of her bare skin. Fruits and vegetables found their place in the crisper drawers, cans and boxes lined up neatly on the shelves.

Just as she was putting away the last carton of milk, the doorbell trilled, shattering the peaceful silence. Wiping her damp hands on a dishtowel, Rika hurried to the door, a sliver of hope blossoming in her chest.

Maybe it was Luke, home early for a surprise... but as she swung the door open, Lizzie standing on the doorstep, a wide grin plastered on her face. Lizzie, in a flowy sundress that seemed obscenely normal in comparison to Rika's bare skin.

"Hey Rika!" Lizzie chirped, her voice bubbling with excitement. "Just thought I'd drop by and see Luke. Is he home?"

Rika's smile faltered for a split second. "Oh, hey Lizzie. No, he's not. Still at work, I'm afraid."
Lizzie's smile dimmed slightly, but she recovered quickly. "Oh, that's a bummer. Well, mind if I wait? Maybe he'll be back soon?"

Rika hesitated for a moment, torn between her exhaustion and a flicker of... something else. Loneliness, perhaps? The prospect of company, even if unexpected, was suddenly very appealing.

"Sure, come in," she finally said, stepping aside to allow Lizzie entrance.
Lizzie breezed in, a whirlwind of colorful fabric and infectious cheer. "Thanks, Rika! This place is looking... spick and span! Must be your cleaning magic at work."

Rika offered a weak smile. "Something like that." The weight of the lie sat heavy on her tongue, but Lizzie didn't seem to notice.

Deciding to make tea, a small act of normalcy in this strange world, Rika busied herself with the kettle, the hiss of boiling water a comforting white noise. Lizzie flopped down on the couch, flipping through a magazine with practiced ease.

"So, how's the whole... naked maid thing working out?" Lizzie finally asked, her voice laced with a curious lilt.

Rika froze, the teapot hovering precariously in her hand. She hadn't expected such a direct question, especially from Lizzie. But as she met Lizzie's gaze, something in her blue eyes – a spark of genuine concern, devoid of judgment – made Rika hesitate.

Taking a deep breath, she lowered the kettle onto the base with a clatter. "It's... different," she admitted, her voice barely a whisper. "A lot different than I expected."

Lizzie sat up, her magazine abandoned on the coffee table. "Different how? Is Luke... I don't know, taking advantage or anything?"

Rika shook her head, a wry smile playing on her lips. "No, not really. He's... respectful, for the most part. It's more the... awkwardness of it all. The stares, the comments, it's exhausting."
Lizzie's eyes widened in surprise. "Stares and comments? Wow, I had no idea. That sounds awful."

Rika shrugged, a bitter laugh escaping her lips. "It is what it is, I guess. Part of the job description, unfortunately."

They sat in silence for a moment, the weight of Rika's words hanging heavy in the air. Then, Lizzie broke the silence, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

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