4. RIKA: Pleasuring Guests is also Part of the Service

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The California sun streamed through the living room window, casting a warm glow on Luke and Rika curled up on the couch. The movie marathon had stretched late into the night, a delicious mix of cheesy action flicks and childhood nostalgia. But unlike the charged intimacy of the previous night, this morning held a comfortable ease.

The quiet however, was shattered by a loud doorbell ring. Luke groaned, swatting at the nightstand until he found his phone and checked the time.

"It's 10 am on a Saturday," he mumbled, "who could be visiting this early?"

Rika stretched languidly, a lazy smile gracing her lips. "Maybe it's your stress relief package delivering a complimentary breakfast?" she teased.

Luke chuckled, the sound warm and inviting. "As much as I'd love that," he said, pushing himself off the couch, "it's probably just some overeager friends."

He was right. As he opened the door, a cacophony of greetings washed over them. Standing on the porch were four figures – Ben, Marcus, Elijah, and Lizzie, Luke's closest friends from college.

"Luke! Dude!" boomed Ben, pulling him into a crushing hug. "We haven't seen you in ages! What's the occasion for the surprise Saturday gathering?"

"Just hanging out," Luke replied, returning the hug with a smile. "Come on in, you guys."

As his friends piled into the living room, their eyes landed on Rika, who was emerging from the kitchen with a tray of drinks. The playful chatter died down, replaced by a stunned silence.

Standing there, a picture of casual confidence, was Rika, completely naked. The surprise was writ large on their faces, a mixture of amusement and disbelief.

"Uh, Luke?" Marcus stammered, his voice barely a whisper, "who is... this?"

Luke chuckled, seemingly enjoying their astonished reactions. "Guys, meet Rika," he introduced with a flourish, "my... personal stress reliever, courtesy of NakedMaids Inc."

Elijah was the first to recover. Bursting out in laughter, he exclaimed, "A naked maid? Luke, are you serious? You've gone all out this time!"

A collective eyebrow raised from his friends. Lizzie, ever the outspoken one, voiced the question hanging in the air.

"Stress reliever? You mean like a masseuse or something?"

Rika, unfazed by the sudden attention, offered a dazzling smile. "Not exactly," she explained, placing the tray of drinks on the coffee table. "I'm from NakedMaids Inc. I, uh, specialize in providing a... comprehensive stress relief experience."

The revelation was met with a chorus of surprised whistles and guffaws. Ben, notorious for his offbeat humor, nudged Marcus with his elbow.

"Dude," he snickered, "looks like you finally found a way to spice up your life after all!"

Luke swatted him playfully, a blush creeping up his neck. "It's not what you think, guys. It's a long story."

Ben reached out, a playful glint in his eyes, and squeezed one of her bare thighs. "Well, well," he chuckled, "needs must be pretty extensive if they require..." He trailed off, his gaze lingering suggestively on her form.

Before things could get out of hand, Luke stepped forward, his voice laced with a hint of protectiveness. "Hey," he said, his gaze flickering between Rika and his friends, "Rika's not just some... service. She's a friend I've known since childhood."

Lizzie's eyes widened in surprise. "Childhood friend? Seriously?"

Before Rika could answer, Elijah leaned forward, his gaze lingering a little too long on her bare form. "Well, you certainly seem to have grown up quite a bit since then." He reached out, his hand brushing against her breast in a gesture that was more intrusive than playful.

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