Chapter 4 - Cara

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The door opened, and it was Mam and Dad. 
They shouted, "Kids we're home"
I ran to them and whispered, "Connor is still here upstairs actually, with Josh and he's a fan of you both, so don't be all celebrity be mam and dad okay?" With that, I ran back to the sofa and went back to playing COD.
All of a sudden Josh comes downstairs and Connor follows behind him.
"Josh, introduce us to your friend, please? Mam and Dad asked.
"Yeah okay, mam and dad this is Connor." Josh turned to me and smiled for some really strange reason. what is he thinking? Something is on his mind. Hhhhhmmmmm I want to know so bad. I'll get it out of him later.

"Hiya Connor, I'm Sara and this is my husband Jake."

"Hiya Mrs. and Mr Williams."

"Please just call us Jake and Sara," Dad said.

"Okay, hello Jake and Sara"

"Hello, are you staying for a while or do you have to get home?"

"Actually I think I best get home. Let my mom know I was at a friend's, not out all night playing football."

"Oh if you want Jakey will give you a ride, I'm sure Josh and Cara would love a ride around anyway"

"No no it's fine honestly it's only like four blocks away. I don't want to be a pain."

"No, it's no bother honestly. you can get used to it if you're going to be coming around a lot."

"Oh okay thank you so much."

"No problem sweetie" "Jakey, the limo is outside would you mind giving Connor a lift him and taking Josh and Cara with you please?" Mam asked.

"Yes, no problem. Mrs. Sara." 

"The limo mam, really? Can't we use the Porsche or the Camaro you know we want to fit in, Connor will keep it a secret but others won't!" I squealed.

"No sorry hunny, they are both parked in the garage and the limo is already outside so Chip Chop got a move on gorgeous," Dad said.

"Okay," I mumbled.

Josh and Connor both shouted from outside 
"Come on Cara, let's goooooooo" 
I got inside the limo and I was sat next to Connor, I normally sit by Josh. This is weird.
Jakey closed the door after I had got in and we set off to take Connor home.
Josh and Connor were talking and I was playing on my phone. Trying not to talk because I felt awkward. I feel awkward. I know right? 
After five minutes of driving another fifteen minutes to go. I felt something touch my lower thigh. It was Connor, his hand was resting upon my thigh. I looked down at it and then at him, he smiled at me and then said with a smirk. 
"Oh, sorry. I didn't realize."

"No, it's fine. It's not a problem honestly." I giggled.

"What's not a problem?" Josh questioned.

"My hand is-" I interrupted Connor 

"Connors' hand fell and hit my phone that's all."

"Ah okay," Josh said and went back to the conversation they were previously having.
Connor looked at me and smiled. I placed my hand upon him to reassure him that it was fine and that he could keep his hand there. I then moved mine away but he kept his hand on my leg. 
We finally arrived at his house, I had to get out of the limo for him to get out himself. 
"Bye dude, see you tomorrow" Josh shouted.

"Yeah bye dude, see ya" Connor yelled back.

He looked at me and whispered in my ear "Bye Cara, see you tomorrow" Before I could say anything he was staring at my face and slowly reached up, he moved a strand of hair to back behind my ear and said "There Now, I can see your whole face before I leave"
"Bye Connor, see you tomorrow." I whispered and then I was about to leave but he grabbed my hand and politely kissed me on the cheek.
After that me and Josh both got home and I asked him why was he smiling at me earlier whilst talking to Mam and Dad his answer was "No reason, just thought I'd smile" Yeah okay, I know that's bull. 
Anyway, I went straight up to my room, moisturized and brushed my teeth, and got changed into my pyjamas. I then jumped into bed and moved around until I was comfortable to fall asleep.

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