Chapter 5 - Josh

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I walked upstairs to find Connor and Cara just standing there looking at each other so I shouted... "Hey guys, come on we have to have a family photo and then go to the jet." 

"I'm coming!" Cara yelled 

"I'll wait here if it's a family photo," Josh said 

"Like hell you will"

"Yeah Josh is right Con, if you're coming with us you're having the photo"

"Okay okay calm down you two I'm coming" he laughed. 
We all caught the elevator downstairs, mam and Dad looked great as usual and they stared at all of us and said how amazing we looked. The first family photo was of me and Cara, then mam and dad. Then Cara and mam, Dad and me, me and mam, Dad and Cara, and then mam asked Connor if he and Cara could have a picture together because they looked cute standing next to each other apparently and I have to admit, they actually do. Obviously, Connor agreed without hesitation so then Cara did, I knew she was nervous because it's obvious to me that they have a crush on each other. After the photo of Cara and Connor, we all had one taken together. Jakey was getting ready to frame it and put it on the Atlanta red carpet day wall!
Everyone agreed the photo was great. 
"Hey guys come on the limo is waiting to take us to the jet" Dad sang 

"Let's goooooo" I chirped.

Now in the Jet 

Mam and Dad were sat on the left side of the jet, whereas Connor, Cara, and Josh were all sitting on the right side.
"This is awesome" Connor spoke

"Yeah it's pretty cool" Cara and Josh both replied in sync

"Hey Connor sweetie, just to let you know that you won't get in tonight if you're classed as a friend, they know the family so the only option you have is to either act as Josh's boyfriend or Cara's boyfriend for the whole night, act like your life depends on it... Like it's a real relationship. You'll have to act like this as soon as the jet stops because there will be fans for the photo off, you can start practicing now if you want sweetie, who's it going to be Josh or Cara?" Mam asked

"Oh really? That's fine by me! I think I'll go with Cara haha" Connor laughed whilst Josh blew kissy faces, Cara blushed slightly when he said this. Only Sara and Jake noticed though, thankfully.

"Oh, and Sara can I ask what do you mean by practice now?" 

"Well hold hands and stuff, practice being a real celebrity couple or just a really cute couple. I'm sure you know about all relationship stuff, I'm guessing; as you're a little catch Connor"

"Okay I understand, and wow thank you! Cara, do you want to do this? It's fine if you don't"

"Yeah I'm good with it" "Better start practicing" 

Josh whispered to Connor and Cara and said "Guys considering we're all at the front of the jet, why don't you go to the back and start getting cozy and a couple like? I know you both want to" 

"Josh!!" Cara said in a whispered tone

"Well go on" he said, 

"You coming?" Cara asked Connor

"Yeah totally, come on!" 

Sara and Jake saw them get up and go to the back they didn't have a problem.

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