The Truth

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Cal opened his eyes and turned to see Merrin looking at him with concern and everyone else waiting behind her, Ezra immediately shot up from his chair, 

"Is she going to be alright? Are you alright?"

Cal chuckled and glanced at Nikki as he eyes slowly opened, 

"No, she's still alive, I think she's going to kill me right about now,"

Nikki immediately shot up and yelped as her arms immediately wrapped around her torso, 

"Oh mother fucker,"

Cal laughed, 

"I told you that you got stabbed,"

Nikki groaned and immediately raised her hand and Cal was pushed back and Merrin caught him before he fell, 

"Shut up, you Bogling,"

Merrin narrowed her eyes at her, 

"You have to lay back down. You just came back from dying,"

Nikki furrowed her eyebrows, 

"Hold up, Cal, you told me I was on the brink of death, not actually dead!"

Cal's eyes widened, 

"I didn't know you actually died. When did she die?"

Kix sighed, 

"Sora, you were dead for five minutes. Merrin and I tried to bring you back, but nothing worked,"

Cal's eyes widened, 

"So, I died too?"

Merrin nodded and hugged him, 

"You did. I told them to give you five more minutes in case you pulled something off,"

Cal slowly nodded, 

"Cool, check that off the list, Sora. Survived being literally dead for five minutes,"

Nikki groaned, 

"I would have made a great force ghost, too,"

A beeping was heard and the group looked to see R5-D4 coming in with BD-1 on his head beeping happily. Cal smiled softly as BD-1 climbed onto his shoulder, 

"Making friends?"

BD nodded and climbed onto Nikki's bed, and rested on her leg, 

"Hi bud, I missed you too,"

BD-1 beeped, and Nikki nodded, 

"Yes, more than Cal's company,"

Cal gasped, 


BD-1 beeped and nuzzled Nikki's hand as she smiled softly at him,

"I know, it must have been boring without me,"

Ahsoka tilted her head as she listened to the droid and human speak. R5-D4 rolled closer to the bed and beeped. Nikki looked at the droid, and she felt her heart swell as she recognized him,


"You are Sora?"

Nikki nodded,

"Yes, I am Sora,"

"Bail Organa wants to speak to you,"

Nikki immediately winced at his name, 

"Oh, he's gonna kill me,"

Cal narrowed his eyes at her, 


Nikki waved her hand in dismissal, 

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