Capital R Rake

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Y/n's POV

"Are you sure this is the place, miss?" my carriage driver asked cautiously and glanced up at the large brick house in front of us.

"This is it, I'm sure of it," I confirm and climb out of the carriage.

"Perhaps someone should go up with you," the driver proposed.

"Winston, are you seriously concerned that I might get hurt by walking a mere few feet to the front door?" I question.

"No, I'm only saying that a lady like yourself should always be in the company of another," Winston claimed.

"I'll be fine," I assure him. "This'll only take but a moment. Just wait here."

I stared up at the city home in front of me, and all at once I was hit with memories that I hadn't thought of in quite a long time. The home belonged to the Bridgertons, a family I was quite fond of when I was younger. There were eight of them in total, four girls and four boys: Anthony, Benedict, Colin, Daphne, Eloise, Francesca, Gregory, and Hyacinth. Growing up, I was closest in age to Daphne and Colin, but I loved spending time with all of the Bridgertons equally. However, I did rather enjoy the time I spent with the eldest three boys the most. We were always messing about, and no matter what we did, I always came home splattered in dirt and mud.

I think that was what pushed my mama and papa over the edge, because its around the time we packed up our things and moved to our country estate, hours away from the city. There I was taught to be a proper lady, and an excellent future wife. I spent countless hours perfecting my talents on the pianoforte and needlework, and I even learned quite a few languages. But my favorite thing to do was read. A lot of people did not think it was proper for a lady to be reading all the time because it could put some confusing thoughts in our heads, but with no other people nearby, my parents agreed that it was a suitable hobby. But now, here I was, back in the city once again, about to make my season debut to the ton. To say I was nervous was an understatment.

I took a deep breath once I arrived at the door, and after composing myself, I knocked three times. It only took a few seconds for someone to answer, and upon noticing that it was a footman, I was quite disappointed.

"Hello, miss," the footman greeted. "Can I help you?"

"I certainly hope so. This home still belongs to the Bridgertons, yes?" I query.

"Yes it does, miss," the footman verified.

"Are any of them here?" I quiz.

"I'm afraid not. I can leave a message for you, if you'd like," the footman suggested.

"Oh, that would be delightful," I chirp. "Just let them know that an old friend of their's is back in town. Thank you."


The day was finally here. It was time for my season debut, and in front of THE Queen Charlotte. I was dressed up in the same white gown as all of the other ladies with a large feather situated atop my head. I didn't quite like the outfit, but it was a requirement.

"Y/n, would you stop fretting?" Lady L/n, my mother instructed as she reached over to fix the feather on my head. "The queen will sense your nerves the second you step through the doors."

"I can't help it, mama. I'm nervous," I admit and ring my hands in front of me. "What if I fall? Or say the wrong thing?"

"You won't fall. And you won't say the wrong thing because you won't be speaking to her majesty at all," my mother reminded me. "Now, just take a few deep breaths. It's almost your turn."

The Bridgerton Who Loved Me; An Anthony Bridgerton Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now