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Y/n's POV

"If the Ancient Greeks were members of the ton, they might have added to their Olympic pentathlon one additional event. The hosting of a country visit. This, of course, is the week of Lady Bridgerton's annual Hearts and Flowers Ball, the year's most coveted invitation in the country, and no event better designed to show the might and mettle of its host."

"There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you," Henry exclaimed when he entered my room. "Our parents should be arriving shortly."

"Mmmhmm," I hum and continue staring out the window from my little perch.

The servants and maids were all bustling about, no doubt preparing for tonight's ball. I would have been excited, but after what had happened the other day, I was scared to show my face in front of Anthony's again.

"Are you doing all right? Is it the sting?" Henry asked and gestured to my neck.

"No. I am fine," I assure him and rub at the mark on my skin. "I am just thinking."

"About what?" Henry pushed.

"Nothing you need to worry about," I respond and stand up. "Now, you must leave. I need to start getting ready."

"You know, if you'd like to catch someone's attention tonight, you should wear that silk orange dress you brought with," Henry suggested.

"And who's eyes are you suggesting I'd be catching?" I pose.

Henry shrugged. "Whoever's you may wish. But the Bridgerton boys will-"

"Get out!" I shout and shove him out of my room. "I do not want another person talking to me about the eldest Bridgerton sons. I do not fancy any of them, nor do I want to. So please, leave me be so I can get dressed in peace."


"Good afternoon, Lord and Lady L/n," Violet greeted my parents once they had arrived. "We have been waiting for your arrival. Your children were an absolute delight this weekend."

"Why thank you. We thought that having them grow up in the countryside would give them better manners and etiquette. Looks like that's paid off," my mother spoke.

"I shall be off to find Henry. I would like to discuss some business with him. Excuse me," my father murmured and glided past us.

"Oh. Lady L/n, that discussion we had over tea the other day, perhaps we can continue that later this evening," Violet put forth.

"That'd be lovely," my mother agreed.

"Speaking of that discussion, here's my third eldest, Colin. Colin, this is Miss Y/n's mom, Lady L/n," Violet introduced.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, ma'am," Colin said and bowed slightly. "Your daughter is quite magnificent."

"Yes, I imagine she is. I've heard you've been travelling. You must tell me all about it," my mother insisted and led Colin off.

I narrowed my eyes at Lady Bridgerton. "Would you care to inform me the topic of which you and my mother have been discussing?"

"It is nothing for you to worry yourself over, dear. Now, go off and enjoy yourself," Violet urged.

"Y/n!" Benedict called out and sped to catch up with me. "How are you this morning?"

"Fine. Although I wish everyone would quit asking. It was just a bee sting. I am fine," I persist.

"I was referring to your parents being here," Benedict clarified. "I know your mother can be rough on you sometimes."

"Oh. Well, as of now, she has not bothered me much. In fact, she's just over there, talking Colin's ears off," I state and point to where my mother was speaking with Colin over by the refreshments. "Perhaps we should join them."

The Bridgerton Who Loved Me; An Anthony Bridgerton Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now