The Choice

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Y/n's POV

"Up up," my mother ushered as she walked into my room, pushing open the curtains. "The Viscount's wedding is today, and we shall be in attendance."

"I'm sorry, mother, but I fear I am quite sick," I lie and fake a cough.

"Dear, you should know by now that doesn't work on me," my mother reminded me. "And what have I told you? You are not missing another event this season. So get up. I will send your maid in to help you get ready, and then you shall join us downstairs for breakfast."

"Morning, dear. You look lovely today," my father complimented when I joined him and the rest of the family for breakfast.

"Thanks, papa," I say and take my seat.

"I thought I told your maid that I wanted you in the new pink dress we just received from the modiste. I shall have a conversation with her about that later," my mother muttered.

"Actually, she did quite insist I wear the pink one, but I was rather persistant about wearing blue," I put forth. "It is the Bridgerton's family color, and I would like to show my support to them today."

"Yes but the pink-"

"Now now, Marie," my father tutted. "Y/n looks beautiful, even if she is not wearing the pink you wanted her too. And while pink may be your color, it is not hers. So why don't we keep her away from that and stick to the cooler colors? The blues, greens, and purples suit her well."

"I suppose that is all right from now on," my mother grumbled.

I smiled. "Thank you, father. I am rather excited for the wedding today. The Queen herself is hosting! Isn't that wonderful?!"

"Indeed it is," my mother agreed. "This shall be a wedding for the ages."

"I still do not understand why father and I must attend as well," Henry uttered. "We have other business to attend to."

"You will attend to show your support for the Bridgertons," my mother informed him. "If we want Colin to eventually court Y/n, we must show that we care for their family as much as our own. Now finish up breakfast. We shall be leaving shortly."


"Wow. This place is stunning," I comment as my family exited our carriage. "The Queen has really outdone herself."

"Yes, she certainly has," my mother concurred.

"Henry and I shall meet you in the church in a bit. There are some gentlemen we wish to speak to before the ceremony," my father disclosed and led Henry away.

"Ooh, mother, there are peacocks!" I exclaim and take her hand. "We must have a look! I've heard they are truly fascinating."

"They are rather pretty," my mother observed. "Do they fly?"

"I do not believe so, but I suppose their colorful feathers make up for that," I claim.

"Good afternoon, Y/n," Benedict greeted and appeared next to me. "I was wondering when you'd arrive."

"Afternoon, Benedict," I return and curtsy. "I don't believe you've met my mother. Mother, this is Benedict Bridgerton, the second eldest. Benedict, this is my mother, Lady Marie L/n."

"It's nice to meet you, Lady L/n," Benedict spoke. "Your daughter is truly one of the most wonderful women I have ever met."

"My my. You Bridgerton boys are all so handsome," my mother gushed. "And thank you. I did my best to raise Y/n well. Is the rest of your family here yet?"

The Bridgerton Who Loved Me; An Anthony Bridgerton Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now