A Bee in Your Bonnet

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Y/n's POV

"We all know the great lengths a young lady will go in pursuit of a proposal. And apparently, she will travel great distances too. Lord Anthony Bridgerton appears to be inching ever so closer to selecting his viscountess, and to that end has invited our diamond to join him for an excursion at his ancestral home, Aubrey Hall. Country air indeed clears the mind and invigorates the body. Might this be the final gust that pushes the viscount over the precipice of a proposal? Of course, the luckless souls remaining in town will have to find new diversions in the absence of their most precious of stones."

"Stupid Lady Whistledown," I mutter and crumple the pamphlet in my hands. "Why must she always talk Edwina and Anthony. We were invited on this excursion too."

"You're jealous," Henry observed.

"I am not," I counter. "I'm just pointing out a fact."

"Back in the country once again," Henry uttered and glanced out the window. "I had hoped to be in the city this weekend. There is a new gentlemen's club opening up. I wanted to attend."

"Yes, but brother, I am greatful that you are here with me instead of mama and papa," I confess. "All they'd do is worry about me. They'd spend every little second we're here making sure I don't bring another scandal to them. Do they not trust me?"

"That is just how they are, sister," Henry noted. "But yes, I suppose a nice weekend with just the two of us here could be fun. And with our parents not here, we can let loose a little, yes?"

"You will let loose a little," I correct him. "I will be spending time with the Bridgertons, engaging in all of the planned activities for this weekend. I hear there is an annual summer pall-mall game to be played, and I, for one, and quite the expert."

"Look at that. We are here," Henry declared as our carriage pulled up to the front of an ellustrious country estate. 

All of the Bridgertons were waiting on the front steps for our arrival. Behind us, another carriage had pull up as well, and I had no doubt that it was Lady Danbury and the Sharmas. Winston opened up the door to our carriage and offered me a hand, leading me expertly out from the small compartment. As soon as the sun hit my face, I was reminded of all the time I had spent in the countryside. In the country it was nice not being the center of attention like in the city, or having eyes on you at all times. I quite enjoyed the time I spent in our country home, so being back, especially to an estate owned by the Bridgertons, was quite the treat.

"So nice of you two to join us. We were all so excited when you accepted our invitation," Violet beamed as she greeted us at the steps.

"Well, Henry and I were just as excited to receive such an invitation. Your estate is gorgeous," I compliment and admire the architecture.

"Y/n!" Daphne shouted and rushed over to greet me. "I had heard of your return to London and knew I had to come see you right away. How are you? How have you been?"

"I have been great. But what of you? I heard you married a Duke. And this must be your son," I infer and smile at the baby in her arms. "He is adorable."

"When he is not fussing, yes," Daphne agreed. "I'm so glad you were able to make it."

"Daphne, stop hogging my guests," Anthony commanded and took my hand, placing a kiss on the back of it. "It is a pleasure, Miss Y/n. I'm so happy you could join us today. I fear I haven't seen much of you since the first ball of the season."

"Ah, yes. Well, we have both been quite busy," I remind him. "After all, looking for potential husbands and wives is tiring work. Nevertheless, I am excited to spend the weekend here at your estate."

The Bridgerton Who Loved Me; An Anthony Bridgerton Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now