The Dawn

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In dawn's quiet, dreams take flight,New beginnings, endless light

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In dawn's quiet, dreams take flight,
New beginnings, endless light.
With each sunrise, a chance to start,
Embrace the journey, follow the heart.

Chapter 1

In baring my soul, all I've ever wanted is a simple nod of acknowledgement for once. I ache for that moment of holding my head high, revelling in the sweet taste of being right.

It feels like everyone around me is armed with advice, leaving my words unheard, lost in a sea of misunderstanding. The crux of it all lies in my own nagging belief that I'm just not enough, allowing that notion to cast a shadow over my very being.

I've spent ages playing the role of the caretaker, putting everyone else's needs on a pedestal while chaos tiptoed around me.

But, oh, the toll it took—I've been trampled on, taken for granted, and, in an attempt to escape negativity, I've hidden in the shadows, making myself invisible. Unbeknownst to me, I was hurting myself, suppressing my feelings and desires.

As I poured out my emotional spiel to my psychologist, expecting a raised eyebrow or a judgmental glance, he surprised me with a smile, his eyes reflecting genuine curiosity.

"Daisy," he said, his voice low and measured, breaking the silence. "Let's dive into why being right holds such significance for you." He interlocked his fingers, a gesture that spoke volumes about his eagerness to unravel this topic with me.

It felt like he was peeling back the layers of my soul, uncovering answers nestled deep within my thoughts.
I was struck by his sincerity, his genuine desire to understand me. With him, I felt safe to crack open and spill my most guarded thoughts.

Dr.Albert delved into the common trap of always needing to be correct, highlighting the struggle of breaking free from it and the deep-seated fear of powerlessness. He painted a vivid picture of the ego's role, seeking superiority, even using a visual aid with counting fingers for emphasis.

Listening intently, it dawned on me that I had unwittingly fallen into this trap. The pursuit of always being right, he explained that it is a fundamental pitfall for many, even in the most mundane matters. It becomes a consuming fire, driven by the ego, yet lacking true happiness.

Dr. Albert spoke with empathy, acknowledging the pain that comes with this incessant quest for correctness. And in that moment, I realized I was in the right place, with someone who truly understood the tangled mess of emotions within me.

In his perceptive analysis, he underlines the importance of recognizing when to loosen the reins, stand firm, or gracefully yield—especially for those of us with a history of childhood trauma.

Highlighting the emotional wounds we carry from our early years, like the pain of not being heard, he deftly links it to the persistent need to always be right.

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