Shattered Trust

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Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Warning: The following scene contains violence and strong language. Read at your own risk.

As Sarah and I were chilling in my room on a Thursday night, she started dishing out advice on what to wear for Tayler's birthday bash happening that Saturday. Given the cosy vibes of Tayler's crib, Sarah wisely suggested opting for something comfy. However, she also managed to irk me a bit by breaking the news that she and Tom wouldn't be able to make it to the party.

Sarah spilt the tea that Tayler was all about keeping the party vibes chill and intimate, with just us close pals. Sarah, who's usually all in for extravagant parties, decided to sit this one out because of Tayler's wish for a low-key affair. I was shaken by this revelation and had to be like, "Wait, what? Just among themselves?"

"He's keeping it small, you know? Not a huge crowd," Sarah replied, giving her nails a break from the picking action.

I felt this warm fuzziness, starting right from my heart and spreading through my whole vibe. It hit me – he remembered my mini-rant about big crowds the other night. It was like he had my back, planning the next hangout with my comfort in mind. The sweet gesture seriously got to me, and I was all touched by Tayler's kindness.

I was just about to spill the details of my birthday gift idea for Tayler to Sarah, but before I could even get started, she beat me to the punch and started voicing her concerns.

Sarah went all serious, talking about how she was kinda worried about my connection with Tayler. She was throwing around this idea of a social status gap between us, and it had her seriously concerned. She was like, "What if your fam catches wind of it? You gotta be careful not to mess things up."

Now, I wanted to spill the beans about Tayler being more like a sibling to me – you know, no romantic vibes whatsoever. But I had to play it cool and just listen as Sarah went on about Tom getting mixed up with some sketchy stuff, like drugs from Robin.

This drug bomb just made Sarah even more freaked out about me hanging out at their place. But, you know, I couldn't spill the tea about Jacob and make things even more complicated. The whole situation had my head spinning, and I was stuck in this silent dilemma.

I couldn't shake off these thoughts about what could go down if I started catching feelings for Jacob. The whole thing had me questioning whether I should tell all these worries to Sarah or just keep them to myself. It was a total girl problems rollercoaster.

You see, her past heartbreak had her tiptoeing around trust issues, and she saw me as this sweet but maybe too trusting girl in social situations. She even dropped some warnings about Tayler, hinting that he might be using our friendship for some financial gain. Like, really?

Sarah's caution got me thinking if maybe I should take a leaf out of her book – be more patient and not wear my heart on my sleeve when it comes to trusting people, especially in these complex social circles.

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