Getting Loose

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Chapter 3

As the big day inches closer, I can feel a whirlwind of anxiety swirling through me, like an unwelcome guest at a party. The thought of stepping into a new experience sends jitters down my spine. What if I blunder through conversations or stick my foot in my mouth? These worries play on a loop in my mind, casting shadows over the shimmer of excitement. Yet, I'm clutching onto optimism, hoping with all my might that it'll be a night to remember for all the right reasons.

It's not just about the party itself; there's also the looming worry about my brother finding out. Throwback to when I was 16, buzzing with excitement about my first party with Sarah. It was all sequins and laughter until my brother barged in, crashed the DJ set, spilt drinks everywhere, and put the blame on me. Ugh, the aftermath was a nightmare! The embarrassment of that night clung to me like a bad perfume, turning school into an epic walk of shame. I was branded the outcast, and it felt like my social life had dimmed forever.

But now? Things have changed—I'm all grown up and legal! No more being bossed around. Whether it's dancing my heart out at a party or rocking that daring miniskirt, I'm owning it. If anyone has a problem with that, they better get ready, because I'm not holding back. It's time for a fresh start, to chase joy and reclaim my right to a vibrant social life. So here's to new beginnings and making memories that are truly mine. Let the party begin!


On this radiant Saturday morning, I sprang out of bed filled with purpose. While others might take their sweet time getting dolled up, I was dressed and ready in a flash, my day perfectly planned out. Those nagging doubts tried to creep in, but I was having none of it. Today, nothing would shake my resolve—I was set on keeping my cool and savouring every moment.

In the kitchen, I found Ms Gonzalez, the ever-present heart of our household, tenderly caring for the colourful blooms by the window. She's been with us forever, practically part of the family. Memories of her and her kids helping raise Damien and me flooded back. "Buenos días, Ms. Gonzalez! How are you today?" I greeted her with a bright smile, one she truly deserved. Deep down, I sometimes wished she was my mom.

"Buenos días, mija! You're up early, what's the special occasion?" Ms. Gonzalez asked, her accent wrapping around each word like a warm embrace. She knew I was a night owl, not a morning person.

"There's a party tonight, and Sarah's almost dragging me there," I confessed, looking at her through my lashes, a hint of reluctance in my tone.

As Ms. Gonzalez turned to face me, her eyes narrowed slightly over her glasses—an unmistakable look of concern etched across her face. "Didn't the incident last time make you think twice, Mija? What kind of party is this supposed to be?" Her words, steeped in worry, struck a chord, reminding me of the chaos from before. A wave of guilt washed over me, making me wish Sarah understood the weight of it all too.

"I'll be more careful, I promise," I said, my voice quivering just enough to betray my nerves. The reassurance I offered felt flimsy, even to my ears, but my determination was solid. I wasn't going to let fear hold me back—not today.

Ms. Gonzalez eyed me with a mix of scepticism and affection. "Just be safe, mija," she said, softening a little. "You know I worry about you like you were my own."

I nodded, appreciating her concern. "I will, Ms. Gonzalez. I promise to stay out of trouble and come back in one piece," I assured her, hoping to ease her worries. She gave me a small, reluctant smile, her eyes lingering on me as if trying to imprint a protective seal.

As I grabbed an apple from the bowl on the counter, I added, "Sarah's really excited about it, and I don't want to let her down. It's just a casual get-together. Nothing wild, I swear."

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