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Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

After this marathon session at Sarah's, where we spilt the tea on every aspect of our lives and gossiped about the latest happenings, it was getting pretty late—around 11:45 PM, to be exact.

We decided to call it a night since school awaited us the next day. Hanging out with Sarah was like hitting the reset button on my stress levels; she had this magical ability to make me forget my worries and anxieties.

In her company, it felt like I was transported to this world where my problems were on pause. Sarah, always full of life and up for an adventure, carried this spirited energy from her childhood. We shared laughs about her sneaky candy missions and reminisced about her biking escapades.

As we navigated through the twists and turns of our individual life journeys, Sarah and I became each other's confidantes. She trusted me with her deepest secrets and most significant experiences, and I was always there with a supportive ear. Our bond has only deepened over time, and I'm seriously grateful to have such an amazing friend by my side.

Approaching my front door, a disheartening sense of déjà vu washes over me as the familiar sounds of yet another altercation echo outside the house. Memories flood my mind, but the muffled screams of my father make it challenging to discern the exact words. It's like a storm waiting to unleash, and it's hard not to feel the weight of the impending chaos.

"For years, I've been trying to make you see what I've sacrificed for this family, to knock some sense into you, but it's all been futile. You've been a colossal disappointment," my father declares, his fiery gaze mirrored by his tight grip on my brother's collar. Damian shoots back a glare, a silent yet charged exchange of emotions.

With a sudden burst of strength, Damian forcefully frees himself from my father's grasp. His words cut through the tension like venom. "We can't keep replaying this destructive cycle," he exclaims.

As Damian stands there, liberated from my father's grip, an uneasy silence envelops the room. I can sense the weariness etched across Damian's face, as well as the frustration emanating from my father's stern expression.

"You think you can just walk away?" my father retorts, his voice a low growl. "After everything I've done for you, this is how you repay me?"

Damian remains defiant, a steely determination in his eyes. "I didn't ask for any of this. Your expectations, your demands—they're suffocating. I need to live my own life, free from this endless cycle of control and disappointment."

My father's face contorts with anger. "You're my son, Damian! You have a responsibility to this family and our legacy. You can't just abandon everything because you're too selfish to see the bigger picture."

Damian's jaw tightens, and he speaks with quiet intensity. "This so-called legacy has destroyed our family. It's time to break the chains, Dad. I won't let it consume me like it consumed you."

Inkwell Serenade: A Monochromatic TaleWhere stories live. Discover now