Chapter 4 ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹

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*Tarino airport*
She came out of the plane with her luggage in hand. She walked gracefully towards the airport lounge and dialled a number.

' I am at the lounge. Meet me there.'

She looked around and saw a large crowd surrounding a man who was proposing to his girlfriend in the most romantic way imaginable. She looked at it and was almost in tears. She remembered when she got married to her husband.

She was the happiest woman on earth. Ever since that day, her husband took really good care of her. She got pregnant after 3 months and they were both happy but they became happier when they discovered that she was having twins in her womb. They had thought that life would be so rosy for them with the kids around but the most unimaginable thing happened.

Katie was in great pain as she was being wheeled to the theatre. She was shouting her husband's name alongside. Her husband, Gray, was at work when he got the news that his wife was in labour. He cancelled all meetings and rushed to the hospital. The life of his wife and kids were on the line.

He got to the hospital panting and the doctor gave him a document to sign on. Sounds were heard from the labor room. After a while the sounds of babies were heard. The doctor came out with a smile on his face and told him to go and meet his wife.

He saw his bundle of joy and vowed to take care of them and they would lack nothing but his dream was  short when one of the twins went missing. She was kidnapped.

Katie almost had a heart attack. She cried and cried but she wasn't consoled. The same went for her husband. They both cried and cried until they couldn't cry again. They then decided to give up the search for the missing twin.

But not until recently when a girl who looked like her husband was spotted in Chicago. When Katie heard the news, she booked the next flight and flew down there. Her husband knew about it and made a background check.

The girl that was found was indeed a look-alike of  Gray.

* Present*

Katie felt a tap on her arm. She turned around to see a middle aged man in his late forties in a white uniform. It was Walter, her husband's private driver  in Chicago.

' Mrs Harold, my boss told me to take you home'.
She nodded and smiled at him as he collected her luggage. She walked to the car and entered.

She was going to find her daughter no matter what.

* At the hospital *

Hazel's POV ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹

Throughout that day the doctor stayed with me and we began to talk like long lost sisters. She told me about her family. I later found out that her name was Mia Carson. She told me that she had a younger brother who was in grade 12 as I was. But what surprised me the most was that her brother and I had the same likes and dislikes and we both had the same allergy. I was allergic to peanut butter and crayfish. And her brother was also allergic to it. I hated chocolate so was her brother. We both laughed at it and things got really interesting when she brought out a game of Scrabble.

I wondered how she knew I loved to play Scrabble. At the end, she won and I let out a fake cry. It was lunch time and she ordered some Mac and cheese. I ate it all joyfully and was really grateful for how she treated me. Soon it was evening. She the went home to prepare some home made meal for me.

Within the time she left, Pamela arrived. She looked really sad .

' Pam. What's up. What happened to you. You look dull'

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