4. Roses are White

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Later Winchesters joined Rick, Shane, Daryl Hershel and Maggie were standing around the map laid out on the hood of the car and already talking about searching for Sophia. Brothers stood beside Hershel listening silently to not interrupt.

"We can finally get this thing organized. We'll grid the whole area, and start searching in teams." Rick talked while looking at the map of the landscape of the area around the farm.

"Not you. Not today." Hershel cut in, shaking his head. "You gave three units of blood. You wouldn't be hiking five minutes in this heat before passin' out." Gray haired man said and he was right. Rick didn't only give blood but also was exhausted from lack of sleep after his son. Hershel turned his gaze to Shane. "And your ankle, push it now, you'll be laid up a month, no good to anybody." while he was talking Andrea

"Good thing we have those two then." Daryl said, tipping his chin at two Winchesters. "Sweep all that alone would be disaster." He pointed at the map. "We head back to the creek, split up and work our way from there," Daryl said, pointing out places on the map and then raided his eyes to Winchesters.

"That works." Dean affirmed and Lowell nodded as well.

"I can still be useful. I'll head back to highway, check if Sophia wondered back." Shane said resting his hands on his hips as he stared around the group.

"Alright, tomorrow then. We'll start doing this right." Rick cut in nodding a little as Shane cut in as well.

"That means we can't have our people out there with just knives. They need gun training." Hershel suddenly looked not so happy with everything, he thought for a moment before speaking.

"I'd prefer you to not carry guns on my property. We've managed so far without turning this into an armed camp."

"All due respect, but are you nuts?" Lowell said, raising his eyebrows at the gray haired man. The lack of respect to elderly man in Lowell's words catches everyone by surprise. He cut right to the point without all the sugarcoating. That's what he thought and that's what he said. "There's no fences around the farm. If undead wander over here what do you suggest we do then? Go on them melee?" His words made Hershel almost turn pale as the old man looked as uncomfortable as it gets suddenly which didn't go unnoticed by Lowell but he didn't comment. Maybe he wasn't used to death yet.

"Look, we're guests here." Rick cut in, stopping Lowell from continuing his bold statements. "This is your property and we *will* respect that." He pulled out his revolver and set it down on the hood of the car, Shane wasn't pleased with that but he pulled his gun out setting it down as well.

All the eyes turned to two brothers who only scoffed and started at the same time. "I ain't giving you my gun."

"Please, we should respect the land we're staying on. We'll leave one person on lookout with a rifle, everyone else should not be packing while on farm." Rick said looking at two brothers. After a moment Dean nodded.

"You can take guns away from your people but ours stay with us. We won't carry, we'll leave them in the car, you can trust our word." He stated and Rick and Hershel nodded in agreement.

"I hate to be the one to ask but somebody gotta. What if we find her and she's bit? How we handle it? I just think we should be clear on that." Shane spoke up looking at Rick and then at others.

"Do whatcha gotta do." Dean said and Lowell nodded agreeing with him. Two brothers couldn't understand why they were even asking that question. It was pretty straightforward for them. What else can you do? Keep it as a pet? That would be just sick.

"And what you tell her mother?" Maggie asked with a surprised and terrified look on her face as she looked at Dean.

"The truth." Rick said, looking down for a moment.

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