17. Fucking It Up

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It was shitty next couple of days. After Lori's death Rick went mad and stayed in basement area for the most of the time, killing walkers, not eating, not sleeping. He came out to the rest of the group once or twice to check if everyone was fine and then disappeared in the basement again.

Lowell stayed in the watchtower one night, leaning against the railing and just staring out at the dark night forest under him. It was beautiful. Stars were nice too. It reminded him of how he and Dean would drive impala out somewhere in the middle of some field with six pack of beers and just lay on the hood and drink and stare at the stars talking little nothings, like they didn't fight some vendigo or ghoul few hours back. Lowell took another drag from his already half smoked cigarette puffing out smoke into the cold night air.

Lowell heard a crack of the door turning his head and saw Daryl standing in the doorway with his crossbow on his back as he walked over to Lowell.

"Got another one of those?" He asked stopped beside Lowell as he nodded towards cigarette in his hand.

"Nah, that's my last actually. Sorry." Lowell said shaking his head.

"I thought you had unlimited supply of 'em." Daryl joked making Lowell laugh a little.

"Sorry to disappoint." Lowell said, smiling as he turned, leaning only one arm against the railing and facing Daryl.

It's probably was that damn whiskey Lowell took few shots off before coming up here but he got an idea in his head to performing of which his body went before he could process all ifs and buts like he usually did. And they say Winchesters can't get drunk. Lowell put his cigarette back between his lips taking a long drag from it and holding the smoke in as he pulled cigarette away.

"Here, we can share." Lowell said through gritted teeth to hold smoke in before grabbing back of Daryl's head with one hand as other he put on a side of his face pushing his chin down with his thumb to part his lips and leaned over until his lips were less than centimeter away from Daryls and exhaled the smoke into other man's mouth. Daryl's brain literally short circuited at a bold move. He just stood frozen in place as a hot smoke hit insides of his mouth his hands balled up into fists and he literally stopped breathing. He knew he was supposed to inhale that smoke but fuck that was hard to do when only thing filled his brain was that santimeter that separated their lips. He had no clue what made Lowell do something like this, was it just a stupid way to share a cigarette or was it something else, either way he could bet it had something to do with a smell of whiskey that was mixed with smell of tobacco when Lowell exhaled the smoke. How he thought about it is that Lowell got a little clingy when tipsy, the way he rested his head on Daryl's shoulder last time he was drunk and now this. Daryl's brain just couldn't make out whatever was going on inside that guy's head. Only thing that he knew was that that was a man and he was not supposed to feel his cheeks heat up because of shotgunning a damn cigarette with a guy. He was not supposed to be shotgunning cigarette with a guy in the first place. But next moment it all was gone, Lowell leaned away grinning at Daryl as he stared at his frozen in confusion and shock face.

"Breathe, you idiot." Lowell said slapping Daryl's cheek lightly but even that was enough to get Daryl back to his senses and finally inhale the smoke from his still opened in agape mouth. His eyes finally focused on Lowells and Daryl wasn't drunk but he might as well be, because he reached out stealing cigarette from between Lowell's fingers and sticked it into his own mouth taking a long puff and holding the smoke in before he grabbed back of Lowell's neck pulling him in and crushing their lips together as he exhaled smoke into younger guy's mouth. Lowell surprisingly quickly adjusted to what was going on and inhaled the smoke letting it out through his nostrils. Though instead of pulling away he placed his hands on the back of Daryl's head keeping their lips locked together. Cigarette fall down to the floor from between Daryl's fingers as he placed his free hand on Lowell's waist and pulled him closer until their fronts were pressed together. Their lips started moving against one another before Daryl could think too much into it. Daryl's grown out stubble was rubbing against Lowell's still pretty clean shaven face. Maybe if they would be thinking any type of straight they wouldn't be doing this on the balcony of a watchtower where anyone from the group could see if they decided to take a nighttime walk. Daryl's breathing grew more labored with each passing moment as they continued kissing, Lowell's hand sliding through his greasy hair was driving him straight up crazy as he felt his nails scratching his scalp lightly. Daryl bit Lowell's bottom lip making Winchester open his mouth in small gasp of surprise which Daryl used to slide his tongue past his lips and into Lowell's mouth. Daryl could taste the whiskey and the tabaco on his tongue as Lowells answered with the same intensity of the kiss. It was sloppy and far from the first class, Daryl was happy Lowell didn't laugh at him yet for being an idiot because he honestly had no clue the hell he was doing. Last time he kissed someone was maybe... long ago, and he probably was high as kite, or drunk, or both. Still Lowell seem to be more than happy with what was going on by how he eagerly answered to the kiss sliding one his hand from crook of Daryl's neck to his arm and back up while his other hand slid down Daryl's torso and to grip his hip.

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