The Inquisition's Inquiry

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The Deathwing Knights gathered outside their Thunderhawk, the atmosphere heavy with the remnants of their recent battle. Gideon and his brothers exchanged silent nods, their bond forged in the crucible of combat. The ground beneath their feet was littered with the remnants of the heretic cult they had vanquished, a grim testament to their resolve and strength.

As they prepared to board their Thunderhawk, a sharp, authoritative voice crackled over their vox. "Deathwing Knights, hold your position. This is Inquisitor Kallista of the Ordo Hereticus. I require immediate debriefing."

Gideon exchanged a glance with Brother Leonidas, who arched an eyebrow. "The Inquisition," Leonidas muttered. "Always arriving when the battle is done."

"Stand ready, brothers," Gideon said, his voice calm but firm. "We will comply with the Inquisitor's request."

Moments later, a small detachment of Inquisitorial Stormtroopers emerged from the shadows, their polished carapace armor gleaming under the dying light. At their head was Inquisitor Kallista, her presence commanding and imperious. Clad in her ornate power armor, she carried an air of authority that brooked no defiance.

"Brother Gideon," she began, her tone crisp. "I understand you have purged the heretical infestation here. I require a full report on your findings and actions."

Gideon stepped forward, meeting her steely gaze without flinching. "Inquisitor, we encountered significant resistance within the fortress. Cultists and corrupted individuals fought fiercely, but we prevailed. Our investigation led us to a hidden base in the catacombs beneath the old capital, where we confronted and eliminated their leader."

Kallista's eyes narrowed. "Their leader? Describe him."

Gideon hesitated for the briefest moment. "He was heavily corrupted by the powers of Chaos, adorned in dark armor and wielding considerable power. He fought fiercely, but he has been eliminated."

Kallista considered his words, her expression thoughtful. "A significant find. Did you uncover any indication of their wider network or objectives?"

Gideon nodded. "We found evidence of recent transmissions. It appears they were in contact with other cells. We have coordinates indicating a potential stronghold, but we have not yet had the opportunity to investigate further."

Kallista's gaze sharpened. "Your vigilance is commendable, Brother Gideon. However, the presence of such a powerful enemy leader complicates matters. The Ordo Hereticus will take over this investigation. You and your men are to remain on standby until further notice."

Leonidas bristled at the implication. "We are not your subordinates, Inquisitor. We answer to the Chapter and the Emperor."

Gideon raised a hand, silencing Leonidas with a glance. "We understand, Inquisitor. Our priority is to ensure the eradication of this heretical threat. We will cooperate as needed."

Kallista's lips curved into a thin smile. "Wise of you, Brother Gideon. I will require all data you have collected and any prisoners you may have taken for interrogation."

"As you wish," Gideon replied, his tone neutral. "We will provide you with everything we have."

The Inquisitor nodded, signaling to her Stormtroopers to secure the area. As they moved to take custody of the data and captives, Gideon gathered his knights.

"Brothers," he said quietly, "we will comply with the Inquisition, but remain vigilant. Trust no one outside our Chapter. The enemy's corruption may run deeper than we know."

"Aye, Brother Gideon," Thaddeus murmured. "We must be prepared for anything."

Hours passed as the Inquisition conducted their investigation, their presence a stark reminder of the Imperium's unrelenting scrutiny. Gideon and his knights remained on edge, their instincts honed by years of relentless warfare and the ever-present threat of betrayal.

Finally, Kallista approached Gideon once more. "We have gathered the necessary information. You and your men are free to depart, but stay alert. The forces of Chaos are insidious, and this conflict may be far from over."

Gideon inclined his head. "Understood, Inquisitor. We will continue to hunt down any remnants of the heretics."

As the Inquisitor and her retinue departed, Gideon turned to his brothers. "We return to the Rock. Our mission here is complete, but our duty is eternal. We will prepare for whatever comes next."

Boarding the Thunderhawk, the Deathwing Knights took their places, their spirits resolute. As the craft lifted off, Gideon gazed out at the darkened landscape of Alphacron IV, his mind already turning to the challenges ahead. The echoes of betrayal still whispered in the shadows, but he knew that, as long as he and his brothers stood ready, the Imperium would endure.

The Thunderhawk ascended into the sky, leaving behind the ruins of the heretic stronghold. But for Gideon and his fellow Deathwing Knights, the battle against the darkness was never truly over. They would continue to fight, to protect the Imperium and uphold the honor of the Dark Angels, no matter the cost.

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