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"Min Haerin!" The class teacher called out,a girl sitting alone on the window side responded

"Present mam"

She is Min Haerin,the quiet and mischievous girl of the class! her Honey brown eyes again darted outside the window,she is only 8 years old,her personality is really confusing

"Show me your homework" The teacher demanded and one by one students kept their text copies on the desk,Haerin with slow steps approached the teacher and waited for her turn

"Good job Haerin" The teacher passed a smile towards Haerin who just half nod,her hands fisted beside her thighs.No one usually approaches her due to her silent nature,she is an introvert and socially awkward but she has 2-3 friends

Haerin sat on her seat,now her focus is on the teacher who is teaching,many were asking questions, sharing doubts but she was only listening,many times she felt like standing up and ask few questions too but she has no courage to do so

"Kim Taehyung!!!!" the teacher yelled making others flinch,Haerin looked back and spotted Taehyung immediately,she sighed and shook her head

Kim Taehyung is a boy who carries confidence,he is an ambivert and good in studies, popular

"Why are you talking while I am teaching?" Asked the teacher

"I was just answering him,he had a doubt and I was explaining him how to solve it" Taehyung justified himself

"I am the teacher here if he was facing any problem he should ask me" Teacher roared in anger

"That's not my fault mam, I was helping him because he couldn't understand your teaching" Taehyung replied smoothly making the teacher gasp and give a look at the boy beside Taehyung

"Meet me after class" Teacher began teaching again.Haerin have known Taehyung ever since she joined this school,they helped each other when needed like in group studies or projects,she always feel timid infront of him,never ever she initiated a conversation with Taehyung but she only observed
It is yet another evening "Eomma let's go cycling" Haerin requested her mother

"Are you sure?" Her mom,Min Si-young asked "Hm, I want to learn cycling" Haerin stated and immediately it was decided that they are going out

"The very basic thing is balancing, it's about body control and your focus,try slowly first" Her dad,Min Jaehyun guided Haerin,after few trials she was cycling well while she parents cheered for her...they are walking while Haerin is cycling


Haerin screamed as a horde of boys came in her view and Taehyung's face appeared infront of her,she felt her heart beat pounding loudly,she is far from her parents too and she can't stop the cycling after meeting Taehyung's gaze

Taehyung also looked at her direction with wide eyes waiting for the clash but something unexpected happened,Haerin changed her direction and lost balance,she fell on the road a winch escaped her lips

"Haerin" Her mom rushed towards her but Taehyung quickly approached her and bend down

"Hey!Haerin" He called out,Haerin look up and their eyes met for the first time so directly,he saw her honey brown eyes that's glistening with tears and she saw his grey brown eyes and forget about her pain

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asked,her tears rolled down her eyes,she closed her eyes, feeling vulnerable...no he can't see her crying! "Haerin!!baby how did you fall" Her mom engulfed her in a hug, Taehyung stepped aside

"Eomma don't worry I just lost balance" Haerin said "Your knees are bleeding" Her dad gasped making her laugh "Appa it's a minor cut" After some time Haerin went home with her parents crying like crazy and shouting "Appa it's burning" Her dad applied ointment

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