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"Aish I shouldn't have come with you in the first place! I'm so mother fucking tired and bored"

Yoongi yawned

"Get the fuck out then!!as if I am enjoying it here but I can't help it bruh I have to buy cloth pieces for my designs and some stuffs"

Haerin justified!!they are at a mall to buy few things

"Bruhhhhhhh you forced me to come"

"Because I can't come alone,shut the duck up I'm almost done... rather than complaining search the items Eomma mentioned otherwise we won't get a bite today"

Haerin rolled her eyes and waltzed away followed by a lazy Yoongi behind but she halted,Yoongi too bumped on her back

"Ahh bitch"

He rubbed his nose, Haerin's mouth gaped in shock as she encounter someone familiar

"Will you close your mouth!!!a whole family of flies will enter in it"

Haerin gave him a judgemental look and pointed at the front


Yoongi gasp, there stood Felix and a girl a 20 steps away from Haerin,Felix hugging and pecking the girl's cheeks


Haerin couldn't believe her eyes

"Who's that girl?why is your soon to be husband being so lovely with that girl huh?"

Yoongi squinted his eyes

"Bro I don't even know!wtf is happening?"

Felix's eyes suddenly fell on Haerin and he jumped away from that girl,who frowned and followed his gaze..


Felix walked towards Haerin who clutched Yoongi's hand

"Um hi!"

She looked everywhere but Felix

"What are you doing here babe?"

Haerin cringed at the nickname


She answered

"Who's this girl?"

Yoongi asked almost pinning Felix with his intense suspicious gaze,the other guy just nervously laughed and scartched his neck

"M-my cousin sister"

The girl gave Felix a look,hurt visible on her face,Haerin can see that...she can understand something is fishy

"You were admiring and kissing her as if she is your gf"

Yoongi snorted,Felix choked on air

"No we are very close!our bond is very good and I adore her"

Yoongi rolled his eyes and yanked Haerin's hand off him

"Don't even imagine I will treat you like a princess!!just because your are my sistor"

Haerin wants to just kick his ass

"Oppa not everyone treats their sisters the same..do you think I am expecting something from you?nahh bro"

She gritted her teeth

"Um anyways,Felix next week Saturday you have a dinner invitation at our house make sure to come with your family"

Yoongi announced,Felix nodded with a smile lingering his lips

"Hey let me carry the bags gimme"

Felix tried to take Haerin's bags but she shook her head

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