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"Gabriela it wasn't necessary!"

Haerin sighed

"It was necessary and I did the right thing; you helped me so why won't I confess that?"

Gabriela argued, it's not like Haerin is angry with Gabriela or Hoseok for exaggerating her helpful nature to Taehyung but she hates to become the centre of attraction!she noticed how everyone was looking at only her that made her very uncomfortable

"Ik Gabriela but I am not used to it!!Mr Kim was looking as if he was gonna eat me alive"

Gabriela laughed and patted Haerin's head

"Alright, don't worry it's over now! let's go and grab some bite, I'm so hungry"

"Me too, I didn't have breakfast"

Both of them waltzed to the canteen

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

Gabriela asked munching her food

"No! wbu?"

"I'm engaged haha!"

Haerin smiled

"Ohh nice!"

"Kim Taehyung is really a type uk!he sends chills to everybody,a definition of perfection,good looks as if God has gifted him everything!but many are scared of him because of his rude behaviour but he is very much respected for his power!he doesn't like mistakes at all but can you believe this hot guy doesn't have a single girl in his life?"

Gabriela frowned seeing Haerin's weakly smiling

"No I'm serious Haerin!!here every woman drools over him,even the toilet cleaner ladies ogles at him"

Haerin choked on her noodles, Gabriela passed her a glass of water


"There must be a reason Gabriela,we are just normal employees under is mercy...we shouldn't meddle in his personal matters!"

Haerin stated after gulping the water in one go

"Hm right!but it makes me curious...wait you are single he is also single!!you can hit on him!"

Haerin's eyes pop out

"Shut up!!wth?I don't like him at all,he scares the shit Outta me,he is an egoist,you are just delusional Gabriela"

"Maybe it's only you who doesn't like him!"
"What are your hobbies?"

Felix asked,today after work Haerin decided to meet her fiànce,no she didn't plan to do so but she has to!if they really are going to get married then knowing each other is very important...they are settled in a restaurant

"Maybe drawing, singing... actually my hobbies are not specific!!"

Haerin fidgeted with her fingers


"So what is your occupation?"

Haerin questioned

"I am going to take over my Dad's company"

Felix answers

"What company?idk about your Dad's company"

"Lee Jewellers,we are Seoul's top 3 jewellery company rn"

Felix informed, Haerin nodded

"Great!! btw let's clear something before we inform our parents about us... I'm still working after marriage is that okay?I want to build my career and be independent,if you have any problems then tell me now"

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