The school trip

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Clarke's POV

Its been a few weeks since that night, Lexa has been ignoring me ever since and it hurts, she wont look at me, talk to me or even acknowledge me. Anyway, yesterday In French they have announced a school trip to Paris, hopefully that can take my mind of Lexa for a few nights. We leave on Monday and we come back on Friday, I can not wait to go, Octavia, Raven and I have all packed our bags and were all so exited. We leave for Paris tomorrow and the teacher have given us Strick instructions to get to bed early tonight because the flight is at 5 in the morning. When we all heard that we all sighed in annoyance but after that we've all been hyping ourselves up for the trip.

The rooms are being assigned later today and we should all get emailed it, there are rooms of 5-6 people and when we got to suggest who we wanted in our rooms of course I put O and R. If we get in a room we are going to have so much fun and I doubt there will be any sleeping from any of us. I'm hanging out in Octavia's dorm because Lexa is in ours and again, I really don't want to put up with that girl for the next few weeks. It's not cause I like hate her or anything, it's because I love her and I'm hoping that by staying away from her I'll control my emotions down and possibly even stop having a crush on her. 

Finally the rooms for the trip get posted, we open them and we all look at each other in shock. My room is Octavia, Raven, Me..... Costia, Anya and Lexa..... this trip just got interesting and annoying.



Hey guys, sorry this is a short chapter, I'm kind of having a rough day so just yeah... hope you enjoy the small chapter.. ill try make the next one longer.

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