Paris (The arrival)

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Lexa's POV

After a 5 hour plane trip including, a nap, a few movies and listening to Costia complain about our room assignment for the 100th time. When we finally touch down we grab all of our bags and head to the suitcase pick up. Once everyone has there suitcases the teachers split us up. There are 4 different hotels which were staying at. 

I find our group and were the only people staying at Hotel de Crillion. No teacher comes to join us, instead we are greeted by a chauffeur. I'm confused but the teachers are just talking to there groups, suddenly several people walk in, they are all wearing black with earpieces in and then I see someone walk in who looks like there in charge. "Clarke Griffin" they say and I look over at Clarke, in fact the whole school is looking at her. 

"I told her that I would see her on a later date" I hear Clarke say and I'm now confused. She waves her hand and the guy steps back taking all the bodyguards with him, all that's left if the chauffeur, he leads us out to a limo and that's when he opens the door. "Hop in" he says. Clarke makes her way to the thing and turns to us, before we can follow Costia calls out, "I'm not hoping in until you explain what the hell is happened", Clarke rolls her eyes and hops in the limo. "You can always walk" she says from inside and that encourages the rest of us to jump in after her. 


Clarke's POV

That was not how I wanted to touch down In Paris, now I'm stuck in a limo with Octavia, Raven, Anya, Costia and Lexa looking at me waiting for an explanation. Instead I just hand them a picture of were we are staying for the next week 

 Instead I just hand them a picture of were we are staying for the next week 

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They look at me like I'm crazy and then Lexa says something that I really didn't want anyone knowing about, "Clarke these rooms cost $50,809 dollars per person, care to explain how exactly you can afford them?" I'm quite and the chauffeur speaks u...

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They look at me like I'm crazy and then Lexa says something that I really didn't want anyone knowing about, "Clarke these rooms cost $50,809 dollars per person, care to explain how exactly you can afford them?" I'm quite and the chauffeur speaks up at the front "Voulez-vous que je vous dépose miss Griffen, à l'avant ou à l'arrière? De plus, à notre arrivée, voulez-vous que j'apporte les sacs dans votre chambre?" ("Would you like me to drop you off, Miss Griffen, in the front or in the back? Also, when we arrive, do you want me to bring the bags to your room?") , I look at them and the say "Le devant et oui s'il vous plaît". (The front and yes please) 

They look at me like im crazy and my only retort is "we take french". Costia looks at me and says "yeah but your like fucking fluent", the rest of them nod as we pull up in front of the hotel. They look at me as the door opens and I take a step out into the sunlight, we enter the hotel and we head up to the top floor. The chauffeur brings our bags up as everyone else claims there rooms. Octavia and Raven are in one, Costia and Anya are in another, Then both me and Lexa get our own room, thankfully. I head to my room and looking on the balcony, my phone rings in my pocket and I pick it up.

"Clarke, des sources me disent que vous êtes à Paris, comment est la chambre d'hôtel que j'ai choisie pour vous?" (Clarke, sources tell me your in Paris, how is the hotel room that I picked out for you?) says the voice on the end of the line. "Oui maman, et la chambre est parfaite. Je n'aimais pas que les gardes viennent me rencontrer à l'aéroport. Je vous l'ai dit, je ne voulais pas d'une grande fête d'arrivée." (Yes mother, and the room is perfect. I did not like the guards coming to meet me at the airport though. I told you, I didn't want a big arrival party.) I say. "Oui, oui, peu importe. quand pourrai-je vous revoir?" (Yes, Yes whatever. when will I get to see you again?) she says. "Lorsque nous devons rendre visite à la mère du palais, jusqu'à ce que je doive y aller, j'ai besoin de déballer et de me reposer" (When we have to visit the palace mother, until the I need to go, I need to unpack and get rested), I say. We then hang up and I throw my phone on my bed.

I lay down on it and instantly sink into it, I hear a giggle from the corner. "who were you talking to" I hear Costia say from the corner. "That depends, why do you care" I respond, she looks at me laughing, before taking a seat on the bed. "you want to know the reason I kept picking on you" she says as she pushes a strand of hair out of my face. "why" I ask and she pushes me back slightly, getting on top of me. "because, I'm jealous of your beauty, and the fact that Lexa has a crush on you and she keeps getting close to you" She says and I go quite. "s..she dosnt me and n..neither do you" I stutter but she just leans in placing a soft kiss on my lips. "so what do you say Clarke?, lets give us a try" she asks me and I nod.. "fine... this is a temporary  arrangement. but I swear if you hurt me-" but she cuts me off with another kiss "I wont" she says. 



hey guys, don't get mad at me ok. there have been a mystery and a get together that people probably didn't expect. Just let me see were I'm going with this book ok?. Anyway hope you enjoy also my French might be a bit of, so sorry to any people I could have offended.

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