Chapter 1: New

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Doing this photo again! 😩😚 yes ik they are short but I'm trying. ❤️🕶

I don't own Any HP characters execpt Artemis!😁😌😘

All other characters credit goes to J.K Rowling. 😌

Artemis's blue eyes fluttered open, she had just died, she could feel her heartbeat slowing down and stopping, she was sure she had just died So, where is she?

 Suddenly she noticed the man in front of her and she stopped crying, she recognized his grey eyes and wavy brownish black hair. He was the man known as Sirius Black.

 But how? Why can she see him here?! is she, inside her favorite book and movie series, Harry Potter!?

"She's so cute!" Another voice piped in. She looked at the owner of the vaguely familiar voice. The man had brown curly hair and black circular glasses perched on his button like nose.

 James Potter for sure.

"Thank you prongs. She's my daughter, I'm so excited to finally have a daughter! I have to treat her like a princess!" Sirius said exitedly.

James laughed.

"Don't spoil her to much Padfoot." Another voice called. It was Remus Lupin no doubt, she could tell from the scars and light brown hair.

"I won't I won't. I guess I'm just getting exited." Sirius said while chuckling.

Her baby instincts told her to laugh. 'I guess they have a mind of their own even though I'm a adult trapped in a baby's body.'  She thought.

Sirius smiled.

"Tell me James, aren't you expecting a baby soon?" Sirius soon said while picking Artemis up.

"Yes! We are. We're going to name him Harry." 

Artemis almost forgot. How could she forgot the parents of Harry Potter, the main character of her favorite series, Lilly and James Potter?

"Wonderful!" Sirius said happily. "They could be classmates at hogwarts!"

"Of course!" James said, also enthusiastic.

Remus chuckled and Artemis cooed like the baby she was.

They all smiled.

It's been a few years, 5 to be exact and Artemis has grown to really Like her father and Remus. 

A few months after she was born, James and Lilly died after protecting Harry from Voldemort. They were all devastated.

 Their son, Harry, went to live with his Aunt and Uncle as well as their son and Harry's cousin Dudley.

 Harry, surviving the killing curse cast by Voldemort and only receiving a lighting bolt like scar on his forehead, was the talk of the entire wizarding world. As well as Sirius's godson. But few people knew that, not even Harry him self knew.

Not only that but Voldemort was now gone, no one knows were he went but he just, disappeared.

Of course, Artemis knew all this because she read the books and watched the movies but she was still sad at their deaths because she really did like James.

A couple years later, 6 to be exact, Artemis was now 6 years old and she was a cheerful, smart, kind but also kind of sassy. She loved her father and Remus who she had grown close to over the years. She had a few freinds but not many. 

Her father had told her countless times about the wizarding world, of course, yet again, she already knew everything, but she still liked hearing it from Sirius.

One day, while she was reading, she suddenly remembered hogwarts again, she was nervous to go as she knew what would eventually happen but she really wanted to go anyway.

She wanted to experience the fun, the joy, the love, the adventure and so much more.

"Father?" She said in her sweet 6 year old voice.

"Yes darling?" Sirius replied.

"Can you tell me more about hogwarts so when I go there I'm not so clueless? Please?" She asked.

He smiled and put the newspaper he was reading down and patted his lap, signaling the black and white streaked haired girl to sit on it.

She got off her own chair and sat on his lap, ready to hear everything he had to say.

"Well, you know Remus, James and Peter right?" He said first.

"Of course, you have told me about them before, not to mention Remus coming over every weekend and you told me James had visited me when I was very little." She replied back.

"Well, me and them were like icons in school. we did have quite the knack for trouble though." He laughed a bit and so did Artemis.

"Anyway," he continued. "It was really a magical place..." he said as if relieving moment of his life.

He talked about the four houses and how he's sure she will get in whatever house is best for her and he won't hate her for getting in any of the four. 

He also talked about his past experiences and how he was a chick magnet and all that. Artemis laughed at that detail and so did he.

They talked for a while until she ended up falling asleep. He smiled and picked her up, carrying her to her bedroom as it was pretty late.

As he set her down in her bed and tucked her in, he smiled.

"I'm lucky to have a daughter like you, Artemis."

And with that, he kissed her forehead and quietly closed the door, heading for his own bedroom as he was very tired from all the talking.

I'm ending the chapter here because I'm tired and it's 11:04 pm right now. 😩😩 

But I will post a new chapter tomorrow if I can! 😘

And dont worry I'm going to make this interesting (it partially involves Harry) 😚😌😁💅

Pls vote if you liked this so far...😭😌🦋

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