Chapter 2: Diagon Ally

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Let's goo! 😁💅❤️🦋🌊 also in my story Sirius was not blamed for Pettigrew and the muggles deaths.

"Father! Come on we got to go! I want to get my stuff for hogwarts!" Artemis yelled from down the stairs.

"I'm coming!" Sirius says, then appears from the closed door to the left and comes down the stairs to where Artemis is waiting. 

"Ready to go?" He says as he grabs a hand full of floor powder and instructs Artemis to do the same.


Artemis was now 12 years old, finally old enough to go to hogwarts. she had waited for this day to come for a long time. She was going to get her wand and books and quills and her owl! How could she not be exited?

As The two step into the fireplace and throw down the floo powder they both yell,

"Diagon Ally!"

And with the sharp crackle of the green fire, they arrive. 

Emerging from the fireplace, Artemis and her father open the shop door and step out into the magic filled air.

She giggles as she looks around to see all sorts of cool stuff she has never seen before.

"Told you it was cool here didn't I?" Her father said with a grin in his face, matching the one she had on.

"Definitely." She said.

"Shall we get your wand first?" Sirius asked his daughter, knowing she would say yes. She was always talking about how much she wanted to get her wand so he figured that it would be the first stop on the list.

"Yes!" She replied happily as he escorted her to the infamous, Olivanders wand shop, the place where most hogwarts students got their wands.

The door opened with a creak then shut with a small thud.

"Ah, I was wondering when this day would come." Ollivander smiled.

"Really?" She said.

"Of course." He smiled wider.

"Now, I presume you are not here for chit chat, let's find you a wand."

Artemis nodded with a small smile as the old man took out a few wands to try.

He took out one if the wands from its box and she marveled at it. 

She could not believe she was seeeing a real life wand. Not some peice of junk from the store like they had in her old life.

"Try this one. It's made from Beech wood and has a Phoenix feather as its core."

The girl picked the brown and black wand up and gave it a wave. It knocked a few books of a nearby shelf.

"Not this one then." She said as she put the wand back in its case.

"Hmm, try this one." He handed her a slick black wand with three golden rings at the bottom and a few spiraled designs on its tip.

"It's made from Beech wood and unicorn hair." He said as she took it.

She waved it around and a small swirl of wind surrounded her, making her giggle as well as shiver from the cold.

"I think that's the one." Her father said while smiling.

"I think so to." Ollivander repiled.

After they paid and left the shop, they went to other shops like Flourish and Blotts and Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop, but their last stop was the Eeylops Owl Emporium, to obviously get her owl.

"Father," she asked.

"Hm?" Sirius replied.

"Do you think they have black owls?" She asked.

"I'm sure they do, why do you ask?" He said with a questioning look.

"I want to name it Crow and Crows are black." She smiled as he laughed a bit.

"That's an amazing name by the way and I'm sure you will find a perfect black owl." 

He pushed the door open and she stepped inside. It was a bit crowded like all the other shops but it was manageable. 

'An owl! These kind of things NEVER happened in my old world! It was kind of illegal...'  She mentally laughed as she thought this.

As she was thinking, her father had gone to look at a black owl he saw.

"How about this one?" He called, snapping her out of her trance.

She walked over to it and examined it.

"Perfect, thanks father." She smiled at him, making him happy.

 She picked the cage with the new black owl and walked up to the cashier, paying for it and joining her father outside for tomorrow, she leaves for Hogwarts.

Hope you like this chapter, don't hate me for the short chapters and also please vote if you like any of the chapters I post. 😁😭🦋

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