Platform 9¾ / Train to hogwarts

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Sorry I haven't posted I was sick!! 😩🤧🤒

Not edited sorry for mistakes!

The loud whistle of the train could be heard as it was 5 minutes to the time it was told to depart. 

Artemis and her father stand together, the 11 year old girl about to get on the howling thing.

"Artemis," her father started.

"Please, just, be safe." He said worriedly.

"I will, father I will be fine. Nothing absolutely terrible is going to happen to a radom first year." She replied half sarcasticly for she half hoped she would get some action instead if sitting in classrooms and common rooms 24/7.

"I know but, people might make fun of you or something. Now I don't care if your a slytherin or not but I hope you can make it into gryffindor like I did and that's why I'm worried. People might expect you to keep the family "tradition" going or something..." he said seemingly overthinking it.

"For the love of --- father, I will be ok. I will make freinds and have fun, learn as well of course but please trust me." She said as she smiled.

He looked at her for a minute then smiled to.

"Your a lot like your mother..." he said while staring into her eyes. 

"O-oh.." she said because he never really talked about her mother and she had admit, she was a little curious but she would rather eat a throw-up flavored Bernie bots bean than admit it. He always seemed sensitive about it.

The train whistle blew again as she said her goodbyes and got on the train to hogwarts, the smell of the fresh air and stufffy train mixing together to create a weired feelin, a feeling she liked.

She walked through the aisle of compartments before finding one along the way that wasn't packed full, But now she knew why. 

She pushed the door open a crack and called inside,

"Mind if I sit?" The black haired girl said.

A very blonde haired boy replied in a somewhat snarky tone,

"Fine." He said as she pulled the door open then shut it behind her.

There where 4 people in the compartment including her, the blonde boy, a chubbier looking boy and a tall a but a bit chubby boy.

"What's your name?" She asked the blonde one.

"Draco. Draco Malfoy." She probably should have guessed he was a Malfoy by his hair.

"This is Crabbe," he said pointing to the chubbier boy.

"And this is Goyle." He said pointing his other finger at the taller boy.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Artemis, Artemis Black." She smiled somewhat warmly.

"Black? As in Regulus and Sirius Black?" The blonde asked a bit more interested in her due to now knowing she was a Black, part of a powerful pure blood family.

"Yes though I never knew or met my uncle Regulus, my dad never talks about him." She replied.

He hummed of understanding in response.

"Now if you will excuse me I seem to have left something in another compartment." The girl said after a few more minutes of constant questioning from the Malfoy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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